Mummification Natural

Mummification is a process that occurs with the bodies of deceased people or animals as a result of exposure to the environment. This process can be natural or artificial. Natural mummification occurs under the influence of environmental factors, such as dry warm air and loose, well-aerated soil.

Natural mummification can occur under a variety of environmental conditions, but it most often occurs in deserts and highlands, where dry air and lack of moisture are major factors. The bodies of the deceased remain in dry air, which leads to drying out and reduction in tissue volume. In addition, loose soil provides good aeration, which promotes further drying of the tissues.

The process of natural mummification can take several months or even years, depending on environmental conditions and body size. During the mummification process, body tissues dry out, become brittle and dark, and the skin becomes thinner and more transparent.

Mummification is a natural process that helps preserve the bodies of the dead and protect them from decomposition. However, this process can have negative consequences on the environment as it requires large amounts of resources such as water and energy. Therefore, many countries prohibit the use of natural mummification methods and require the use of artificial methods such as embalming or cremation.

Mummification is a natural process of mineralization (burial) of human and animal corpses. During the process, a gradual change occurs, as a result of which the anatomical similarity is restored, and chemical changes in the tissues bring them to resemble minerals. All tissues together form a death mask - the anthroposphere of the mummy. The process of natural mummification could occur as a consequence of the biological characteristics of some organisms, or due to a random and specific combination of various natural conditions, under which the rate of decomposition of organic substances is slower than the natural capabilities of living organisms for self-defense and self-healing. That is, only under the combined favorable influence of external conditions (for example, the influence of a “dry warm climate” with well-aerated soil cannot accelerate the recovery process) can a dead body turn into a “strong, durable aggregate of a mineral type” - a mummy.