Muscle that lowers the eyebrows (M. Depressor Supercilii, Pna)

The muscle depressing the eyebrow (m. Depresser Superciliaris, Latin) is a muscle of the frontal region, in the Roman anatomoeb M. Depressorus / sis. frontal The thickest and longest on the face. On the outside, it is enclosed in the skin and covered with subcutaneous fatty tissue, sometimes at a shallow depth under the skin at the top of the cranial vault. It lies in the thickness of the facialis above the orbicularis capitis muscle along the so-called syriniana, which is the cavernous vein, at the border of the ischium of the frontal bone and the apex in front of the anterior fossa of the frontal bone. It is located medial to the superior longitudinal muscle of the head on the side of the longitudinal ditch and is connected from below by its tendon to the root of the frontal finger-shaped process of the medial nasal muscle from above and from above by the rectus orbital muscle from the side. Innervated by the nerve of the same name. [1]

Muscles that lower the eyebrows