Condyle of the Shoulder

Condyles are special structures that form and guide the articular surfaces of the upper and lower extremities of a person. Each of them is a section of the humerus connecting it to another large bone formation. The most important types of bones and joints associated with the structure of the body, functioning joints are located symmetrically on both limbs. Anatomically, they are called acromion processes. They are not capable of independent movements and are in a motionless position. Features of the shoulder girdle and skeleton include the condyles located on the back of each elbow joint.

Condyles. shoulder joint - (m.humeri epistrophei, ossa humeri) - articulatio humerus laterale is the opening of the lower part of the head of the humerus, formed between its lateral surface and the outer part of the glenoid cavity of the scapula; serve to attach the articular capsule (s. synovia) to them. M. are located on the posterolateral surface of the humerus at the level of the humeral fossa, behind the lateral epicondyle, slightly outward and downward from it, and medial to the anterior border of the subarticular tubercle