Nail syndrome

Everyone talks about osteoporosis, but they often shyly keep silent about another important problem of the musculoskeletal system - nail syndrome. This is a condition in which bone metabolism is disrupted due to a lack of calcium in the body, leading to weak bones in the lower leg and a high risk of fractures. Most often, women over 50 years of age are affected; in men, due to hormonal characteristics, problems are much less common. In order to recognize the syndrome in time, you need to know its first signs, which can appear as early as 40-50 years of age. But first things first.

The early stage of nail syndrome in women does not have pronounced symptoms, except for slight discomfort in the legs. Patients complain of a feeling of heaviness and stiffness in their legs during physical activity. In addition, bones become more brittle because they lose more mineral salts than normal. This causes pain in the bones of the feet, legs and pelvis. At the same time, the bones begin to experience increased stress, so pain appears when walking or any sudden change in body position. The pain penetrates the bone so strongly that it feels like broken glass. With age, the risk of fractures increases, and even a small blow, an awkward step, a sharp