Drug addiction that killed the career of a world star

In this article I would like to raise a very relevant and burning topic... And if you want to say that this will definitely not happen to you, that this is not about you, that it will definitely bypass you - you are very much mistaken...

You think: why should I even read about drug addiction treatment anonymously? - No, this definitely won’t happen to me...

It would seem that since you are here now and reading articles on the site about bodybuilding, about health, strength and beauty, where can not only drugs, but even smoking or alcohol appear in your life? – this is definitely not about you, right? – to debunk this myth, I’ll tell you a story about a well-known bodybuilder. I will keep his name a secret for now (at the beginning of the article... But at the end of the article, everything secret will come true, and you will understand who we are talking about...

So, this fairly famous athlete rose in the field of martial arts. He even received the black belt so desired by all karatekas. And later he even became the European Champion among professionals...

Against the backdrop of his triumphant rise, representatives of the fair sex began to pay attention to him more and more often. He was simply wildly popular with women. And at some point in time I met the American Bodybuilding Champion. It was she who revealed to him the secrets of her success, and he, having received for nothing a huge amount of knowledge, which other athletes usually accumulate over the years, became interested in bodybuilding with zealous enthusiasm...

His muscles are truly impressive. He achieved impressive success in this field. In 1978, our hero took third place at the European Junior Bodybuilding Championship. A year later, he receives the title of absolute champion of Belgium in bodybuilding. Well, here you probably already guessed who we’re talking about, since we’re talking about Belgium...

From some point on, the actor became addicted first to smoking and alcohol, then to drugs, and by the end of his career he completely slid down the slope of his life, and is now trying to save at least some remnants of his health, reputation and past success.

This is how it happens in life... A successful athlete and a Champion... A healthy lifestyle, sports and, it would seem, all the most useful things - but in the end he fell to the very bottom. Therefore, friends, never give up and always be on your guard. This can happen to anyone, it’s not for nothing that the catchphrase says: “Withstood fire and water, but could not overcome copper pipes”...

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