
Inadequacy is an uncontrollable and abnormal response to a normal stimulus. People with increased inadequacy may react with vision or action to completely harmless things. Most inappropriate behavior can be caused by severe stress or mental illness. Problems can arise in many areas of life. For example, a person may become inappropriately angry when his request for help is not satisfied, or respond too inappropriately to a spouse's remark. Also, inappropriate behavior is expressed in the fact that instead of looking for your own home, you can start walking around the city and simply end up in trouble. Failure to control a person's inappropriate behavior can cause harm to himself as well as to those around him. Controlling inappropriate behavior can also help those suffering from this disorder adapt to their environment and society.

Inappropriate behavior often entails negative perceptions of others. Therefore, for a person with a disorder, it is necessary to adapt their behavior in order to have a more adequate perception from other people. You can tell others about your tendency to engage in inappropriate behavior and ask for advice or support.