Immobility of the pupils

Fixed pupils are a symptom caused by spasmodic constriction of the pupil on one half of the eyeball. The causes of this phenomenon may be local and general disorders of the nervous system and various diseases of the central nervous system.

The pupil takes the shape of a narrow horizontal oval, and its central part expands. At this point, there is a loss of clarity of vision and increased sensitivity to light is detected. Similar changes occur in both eyes. But usually the disease affects the one-eyed apple.

If the eyes are healthy, then when looking at a light source, the pupils are noticeably dilated in just one glance. Healthy objects are reflected by pupils that have the same round shape, but if you experience symptoms indicating pain or discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Most often, the occurrence of the disease is observed in people with a neurological background who have neurasthenia, which was complicated by various migraines. Along with these diseases, patients quickly