Nerve of the Femur Cutaneous Dorsal

Dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve: anatomy, functions and pathologies

The cutaneous femoris dorsalis nerve is one of the important nerves responsible for innervation of the skin of the upper and anterior part of the thigh. This nerve is part of the common nerve of the thigh and runs along its anterior surface.

Anatomy of the femoral cutaneous dorsal nerve

The dorsal cutaneous thigh nerve is formed from the femoral nerve at the level of the pubic tubercle. It then runs down the front of the thigh, branching into two branches. One branch runs down and out, innervating the skin of the anterior and outer thigh. The other branch runs downward and inward, providing innervation to the skin of the upper and inner thigh.

Functions of the dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve

The dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve does not carry any motor fibers and is responsible only for sensory innervation of the skin of the thigh. It provides sensitivity to the skin of the front and side of the thigh, as well as the upper and inner thigh. This nerve plays an important role in maintaining coordination and sensation in this area of ​​the body.

Pathologies of the dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve

Pathologies of the dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve can occur as a result of various injuries or diseases. The most common symptoms of pathologies of this nerve are numbness, burning, tingling and pain in the front and side of the thigh. There may also be a loss of sensation in this area of ​​the body.

One common condition associated with the dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve is atrial fibrillation. This condition is characterized by the formation of a tumor on the nerve, which leads to disruption of its function and the appearance of pain.

In conclusion, it can be said that the dorsal cutaneous femoral nerve is an important element of the nervous system that provides sensation to the skin of the upper and anterior part of the thigh. Pathologies of this nerve can lead to sensory disturbances and pain in this area of ​​the body, which can significantly affect the patient's quality of life. Therefore, it is important to know about this nerve and promptly seek medical help if symptoms of its pathology occur.

The cutaneous femoral nerve, also known as the dorsal femoral nerve, is one of the branches of the femoral nerve (plexus femoralis). This nerve receives impulses from the skin of the back of the thigh. The main functions of the nerve are that it supplies the skin of the thigh with nerves that are responsible for the sensations of pain, touch and temperature. In this