Neurosis Infantile

Infantile neurosis is a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of childish spontaneity in behavior, helplessness and capriciousness of behavior. People suffering from this disorder may appear naive, inept, and immature.

The causes of infantile neurosis can be various, including psychological trauma, genetic factors, family upbringing or lack of socialization. A frequent manifestation is precisely the lack of socialization, that is, lack of contact with the outside world (in childhood and youth), disinterest in anything (lack of desire to form one’s own personality), trust in people around and helplessness in social conditions and other difficulties that may be observed in those suffering from this disorder. Although symptoms can come in many forms, many are associated with inappropriate behavior and weaknesses.

One of the main characteristics of obsessive people is their feeling of inability to cope with difficult situations without the help of other people. In such cases, they may seek care, support and support in order to feel necessary and protected.

Those suffering from obsessiveness often exhibit a lack of faith, confidence and autonomy, as well as uncontrolled decision-making, subservience to others and an intimacy orientation. Many people with obsessive behavior also suffer from increased vulnerability and need care and support. They constantly worry about how others perceive them and strive for greater appreciation and intimacy.

The best way to overcome the manifestations of infantilism neurosis is to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is important to recognize your vulnerability and begin to work on strengthening your self-esteem and developing your responsibility and decision-making abilities. Support from family and friends can also be very helpful.

Infantilism can be attributed to manifestations of the nervous system in adults. They arise as a result of organic brain damage, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, and chronic infections. A feature of infantilism is a delay in the development of mental processes of an adult in the emotional, volitional, and affective directions. Its characteristics depend on the individual characteristics of the individual.

Reasons for the development of infantile neurosis Lack of preventive treatment for childhood diseases. For example, this may be the result of improper treatment of children or injuries. Such children face certain difficulties in the future that are directly related to health problems. This category of people is prone to frequent overeating, suffers from weather sensitivity, experiences bouts of drowsiness, frequent fear with tears, trembling of the limbs in stressful situations, etc. In childhood, such people are quite aggressive, capricious, prone to hysterics, they have a very difficult time dealing with the difficulties that arise in life. As they grow older, they experience frequent disturbing dreams, an apathetic state, fatigue, frequent negative thoughts, chronic fatigue syndrome, thoughts of loneliness, and a feeling of constant anxiety and restlessness. The development of infantilization occurs during puberty and early adolescence. At the same time, the level of emotional-volitional regulation changes in inverse proportion to the development of intelligence. By high school age, such people have an absolutely inadequate and naive view of the world and do not know how to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and adults. They cause pity, since there is no feeling that someday they themselves can enter adulthood.

Symptoms of infantile in the process of maturation 1. This is emotional lability, which is expressed in a sharp change in mood. Adults with infantilism sometimes tend to fall into states of apathy, that is, they become depressed and depressed. In some cases, unjustified crying and hysteria are possible. Sometimes manifestations of aggression towards other people are possible, although there is no reason for this. They can be extremely fickle in their feelings: love gives way to reckless hatred, and causeless jealousy turns into inexplicable joy. For such a person there is no difference between good and bad, there is only a general attitude towards the events happening around him. All people are divided into those who can have a positive influence on them, and those who find it difficult to do so. 2. B