Novosvit anti-wrinkle serum

Reviews of the anti-aging composition “Hyaluronic acid and collagen” from Novosvit

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What is hyaluronate? Why is it so common in the modern cosmetics industry?

Hyaluronic acid in the human body is present in nervous tissue, epithelial linings, vitreous body and connective tissue. This substance is found in joint fluid and saliva. Hyaluronate, which is part of the skin, is directly involved in regeneration processes, regulating cell migration.

Skin turgor (degree of elasticity) directly depends on water balance. Hyaluronic acid is highly hygroscopic - that is, the ability to retain water inside the tissue. Skin that contains a sufficient amount of this substance is practically never overdried, therefore, it is less susceptible to age-related changes.

Over time, the production of hyaluronate progressively decreases, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin: the degree of hydration noticeably decreases, dry skin is more susceptible to the formation of wrinkles; recovery processes slow down.

Thus, drugs used in cosmetology and are sources of hyaluronic acid, for some time make up for the deficiency that appears with age.

Hyaluronic acid is a completely biodegradable compound: it is consumed by the body under the influence of special hyaluronidase enzymes. This fact explains the need for regular use of therapeutic and prophylactic agents that supply hyaluronate (with injection, the supply lasts for several months; products for external use require daily application).

In industry, bacterial cultures can be sources of this ingredient. Acid is also obtained from the eyeballs of cattle, umbilical cord tissue, and rooster combs. The most common technology for isolating the substance is using bacterial cultures.

Before purchasing a source of hyaluronic acid, you must carefully study the composition: in preparations intended for external use (cream, gel), the compound must be low molecular weight. Large molecules of the substance are not able to penetrate deep into the skin, so this cosmetic product turns out to be much less effective, although it also to some extent prevents excessive evaporation of liquid. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, due to its small size, is easily delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis, providing a rejuvenation effect from the inside.

Dermis fibers

Not only the sufficient content of hyaluronic acid ensures a youthful appearance of facial skin. It is important that the cells of the body synthesize the required amount of dermal fibers - collagen and elastin. Unfortunately, the aging process is associated with a decrease in the production of fibrous structures.

Collagen is a special protein found in humans deep within the reticular layer of the dermis. The body independently fully covers the need for collagen until approximately 25-30 years of age, after which its amount becomes insufficient. The structure of protein molecules also suffers. Collagen deficiency and irregular protein structure lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Together with elastin, collagen forms the skin framework, the condition of which affects the cosmetic appearance of the skin.

The Russian manufacturer Folk Crafts and its Novosvit laboratory, whose employees specialize in the development of anti-aging products, produce cosmetics that can compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid and collagen that arises with age. It is important that Novosvit cream and gel contain readily available low molecular weight hyaluronate, which improves epidermal regeneration.

Many anti-aging products are produced in production, among which two can be particularly highlighted:

  1. Novosvit Aqanti “Hyaluronic acid and collagen” moisturizing cream 24 hours.
  2. Novosvit Concentrate “Hyaluronic acid and collagen” aqua-gel 24 hours.

Aqanti cream from Novosvit has a rich composition, the basis of which, as the name implies, is represented by two active substances: hyaluronic acid and collagen. The main function of the cream is moisturizing. Preservation of moisture and normalization of the disturbed water balance of the skin occurs thanks to hyaluronate. The result of using this therapeutic and prophylactic drug is well-hydrated skin, the elasticity of which noticeably increases. The cream acts not only as a source of collagen, it affects the skin from the inside, activating the synthesis of its own dermal fibers, improving microcirculation. Customer reviews demonstrate that the face acquires a healthier complexion, fine wrinkles cease to be noticeable, and new skin defects do not form for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen cream can be used separately from other cosmetics, or can be combined with a mask or used as a base for decorative cosmetics. Positive reviews are written by women of different ages and with different skin types. They especially note the duration of the effect: after application, the face looks moisturized for at least a day. Aqanti's light texture and composition enriched with antioxidants make this cream indispensable in the summer, when solar activity is high and the skin becomes dry more easily. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, an increased amount of free radicals is formed, and the production of hyaluronate, on the contrary, slows down. The product from Novosvit soothes irritated skin suffering from dehydration; it copes well with free radicals thanks to its antioxidant activity.

The manufacturer "Novosvit" recommends applying the cream twice a day (in the morning and before bed) to achieve the best anti-aging effect. One dose of cosmetic product is only 3 to 5 drops. Such a small amount is enough to treat not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté. Self-massage promotes the opening of pores and optimal penetration of the drug deep into the skin.

It is important that when applying Aqanti, you should not touch the skin with the pipette.

Aqua-gel Concentrate for intensive care, which also contains hyaluronic acid and collagen, is available in a small bottle (25 ml), but this volume is enough for a long time: no more than 5 drops of the drug are enough for a single use. The gel moisturizes the skin throughout the day and promotes a good level of cellular regeneration. Reviews indicate that the skin began to look more youthful and acquired a healthy appearance.
The drug is used independently or as a base for a mask or cream. A dose of gel, designed for one application, is distributed over the face with massage movements.

In order for the gel to retain its properties throughout the entire period of use, it is important not to touch the skin with the pipette during application.

Novosvit Concentrate is suitable for owners of any skin type, especially for people whose face is dry or hypersensitive.

Specialists in the field of dermatology and cosmetology from the Russian laboratory “Novosvit” worked on the composition of cosmetic preparations that promote rejuvenation. The effectiveness of gels and creams has been confirmed by numerous laboratory studies; reviews from women who have chosen Novosvit products do not contradict the manufacturer’s statements, but only confirm them. This Russian cosmetics is highly appreciated by the International Quality Association.

The raw materials for cosmetic ingredients are natural plant products: oats, almonds, wheat. The consequence of this is safety, as well as low allergenicity of the produced therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics.

In the laboratory, it was possible to create products whose composition is similar to that of the lipid film located on the surface of the epidermis of the skin. This thin fatty coating performs a protective function, preventing the evaporation of excess moisture and preventing aggressive environmental factors from damaging the skin.

The Novosvit Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen product series, which has received numerous reviews, represents a modern generation of anti-aging products. The components included in the composition are close to the surface layer of the skin. Therefore, innovative cosmetics have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Let's look at what products are included in the line, how effective they are, and what experts and buyers think about them.


Contains hyaluronic acid

Novosvit products contain hyaluronic acid. Probably everyone has heard that injections with it help get rid of wrinkles on the face. Many believe that this is simply a chemical element contained in anti-aging drugs. However, it is not. Hyaluronic acid is actually a natural substance. It is usually taken from the epithelial layer of humans or from animal tissues. It is believed that the highest quality and most expensive hyaluronate is obtained from shark. The origin of this company's substance is unknown. But it is definitely contained in the Novosvit “Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen” line (reviews confirm this).

Collagen is an important component

Also, cosmetics from Novosvit contain collagen. It is a kind of protein, only of the filamentous type. This substance, like hyaluronic acid, is also natural. It is extracted from connective tissues (bones, cartilage, tendons, dermis, etc.). Collagen has long been an integral part of many cosmetic products. Scientists have proven that it provides skin elasticity and firmness. Therefore, the substance is highly valued by specialists.

Products with collagen and hyaluronate


Such products always receive popularity and numerous reviews. “Hyaluronic acid and collagen” from Novosvit was no exception. This is a whole range of cosmetic skin care products. They are aimed at fairly quick and high-quality rejuvenation of women’s faces. The products first act on the upper layers of the epidermis and behave as moisturizers. Afterwards they penetrate even deeper and cause wrinkles to smooth out. All this happens under the influence of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

The product line from the Novosvit company includes several products. These are hyaluronic gel for washing, concentrate “Aqua-gel 24 hours”, moisturizing cream “24 hours”, night jelly “Aqua Boost”, cream primer “Aqua Bass” and cream filler for the skin around the eyes. The series also includes a makeup remover, a peeling roller, a scrub with pearls, a cleansing foam and strips for the area around the eyes. Let's consider only some products that come in gel and cream form.

Hyaluronic cleansing gel

This gel from Novosvit “Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen” deserves special attention in the line. Reviews confirm that it copes with its tasks.


The delicate action of the product is aimed at cleansing the skin of impurities and makeup, moisturizing it, and preventing dryness and tightness after washing. In addition to hyaluronate and collagen, the composition includes red grape leaves and green tea. They are powerful antioxidants, so they neutralize the effects of free radicals and protect cells from early wilting.

Buyers of the product note that it is suitable for any skin, and using it is a pleasure. The gel is economical; a small amount is enough for washing so that it whips into foam. In rare cases, individual intolerance to the composition occurs.

Concentrated serum

Concentrated aqua gel from Novosvit “Hyaluronic acid and collagen”, judging by the reviews of girls, is an excellent cosmetic product. It instantly moisturizes, tightens the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The product has a melting texture that is quickly absorbed.

The serum must be applied to a cleansed face twice a day. After this, it is important to use a cream or mask. The manufacturer allows the concentrate to be combined with products from both this line and others. But in the first case, the components will have an enhanced effect, and therefore will become more effective.


Women who bought the product recommend using it in courses twice a year (preferably in winter and summer). In cold weather, the serum will save the skin from temperature changes and dry air from heating devices. In summer, aqua gel will protect the dermis from the active effects of sunlight. Since the product is concentrated, you should definitely do an allergy test.

Moisturizing cream "24 hours"

Also receiving many positive reviews is the Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen cream from Novosvit, which has a moisturizing effect for up to 24 hours. As a result of using this product, the skin is regenerated, rejuvenated, wrinkles are straightened, and the face becomes fresh. The cream is suitable for girls with different skin types, especially those who have dry skin. Reviews indicate excellent results after using this product.

Night jelly “Aqua Boost”

This product from Novosvit is intended for night care, as it creates ideal conditions for skin restoration during sleep. The product has a gel texture that is instantly absorbed. The complex of active components included in the composition helps restore cells and smooth out wrinkles.


As a result, after using the drug, the skin rejuvenates and acquires a healthy color. The effect becomes noticeable after about a month of regular use before bed.

Primer "Aqua Bass" for wrinkles

As reviews show, Novosvit cream, which acts as a primer, works wonders. It contains a special “Soft Focus” complex, thanks to which the skin quickly becomes radiant, silky and matte, without any imperfections. The refreshing texture of the product literally melts into the skin, hiding pores, wrinkles and evening out the microrelief. The cream creates an ideal surface for creating makeup, so girls are happy to use it for these purposes.

Cream filler for the eye area

The product is designed to moisturize and smooth the skin around the eyes. It has a fairly thick consistency, but upon contact with the epidermis it turns into a weightless emulsion. It is quickly absorbed, providing an immediate effect. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that the product gives the skin in the eye area freshness and radiance. Moisture stays inside the cells for a long time, so small wrinkles can straighten out. And all thanks to the hyaluronic acid and collagen contained in Novosvit products, which only enhance each other’s effect.


Women who have tried the product recommend using it morning and evening. But you need to apply the moisturizing filler very carefully, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. It is better to distribute the cream in a thin layer, trying not to stretch the delicate skin.

Expert opinion on the Novosvit hyaluronic line

Cosmetologists and dermatologists highly appreciate products with collagen and hyaluronic acid. Many experts advise their patients to use just such drugs for daily care. The moisturizing series from Novosvit is no exception. Its regular use has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis. The line of products allows you to cope with lack of nutrition, increased dryness and the first signs of wilting. Cosmetologists even note an improvement in the oval of the face for some clients.

Experts leave exclusively positive reviews about Novosvit and products with active ingredients. However, they recommend purchasing samples first to avoid any unpleasant side effects.

Overall buyer impression


In general, consumers remain satisfied with the performance of cosmetic products of this brand. They like the fairly wide range of the “Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen” series - everyone chooses something for themselves. The cost of funds is no less important. Their price is relatively low. Gels clean well, and creams are perfectly absorbed, removing redness and leaving only pleasant sensations on the skin.

Negative reviews still sometimes appear on this cosmetics. Girls note a rather weak lifting effect and poor control of rashes, so they rate the products as average moisturizers. But here it is worth understanding that products in this price category will be useless if the skin is severely dehydrated.

As you can see, in general, customers leave positive reviews for the “Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen” product line from Novosvit. The only exceptions are cases of an allergic reaction and skin with more global problems, which already require “heavy artillery”.

Representatives of the fair sex are overcome by a strong desire to find the ideal cosmetics that will help prolong youth and maintain beauty. Domestic specialists in the field of dermatology have developed an innovative cosmetic line for face and body skin care - Novosvit. Girls and women of all ages fell in love with Novosvit cosmetics. Reviews from cosmetologists and clients prove that the complex of these products maintains feminine charm for a long period. The composition of the products is very similar to the structure of the skin, which promotes maximum interaction with cells and achievement of noticeable results.

The innovative compositions of Novosvit products are aimed at treating and preventing age-related changes in the skin of the face, hands, and feet. After just a few days of using these products, a noticeable delay in aging is noticeable.


Cosmetics manufacturer "Novosvit"

For more than 15 years, a rapidly growing company, Narodnye Promysly LLC, has been producing cosmetics using the Farma+Beauty formula. She is the developer of Novosvit cosmetics, reviews of which are mostly positive. Experts have combined medical and cosmetological achievements in the cream formula. The products of the Folk Crafts factory are very effective, because highly qualified employees work here and high-tech equipment is used.

In addition to Novosvit products, the company produces a series for the care of problem skin - "Propeller" - and a line for effectively activating hair growth and strengthening - "Golden Silk". The quality of these products is compared with mass-market cosmetics, which undergo clinical trials and have a fairly affordable price.


Product uniqueness

What is unique about Novosvit cosmetics? Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that it contains many useful elements. The following components give the creams a healing and rejuvenating effect:

  1. Used to combat skin aging calcidone. It delays the destruction of collagen, affects lipid synthesis, and enhances the work of keratin in the dermis.
  2. Provides quick and long-lasting hydration fukogel. It forms a special film to capture water. Fucogel prevents the occurrence of allergies and inflammatory processes.
  3. The amount of moisture in the epidermis is regulated by natural wheat protein - dragoderm. It also combats skin roughness.
  4. Responsible for the microrelief of the dermis and the reduction of wrinkles polylift, sweet almond seed extract. Under its influence, a three-dimensional protein film is formed on the skin, evening out wrinkles.
  5. Responsible for the restoration of the keratinized layer of the dermis avenalipid, oat oil. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Restoration of epidermal cells is carried out phospholipids.
  7. Promotes effective blood circulation vitamin P. It prevents the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It is especially effective in products for tired legs, because it increases blood flow in the veins and prevents varicose veins.
  8. Used to retain and coordinate moisture sugar beet betaine.
  9. Helps even out skin tone and disguise wrinkles Alluzhin, under the influence of which the dermis simply shines.


Main goals of the company

Reviews of Novosvit cosmetics indicate the effectiveness of the developed formula. This is not surprising, because the company has set itself the following goals:

  1. Effective hydration of the epidermis. Thanks to fatty and oily components, it is possible to retain water.
  2. Protection against penetration of harmful substances into the dermis, enhancing skin regeneration.
  3. Cleansing skin and hair.
  4. Nourishing cells with essential vitamins and minerals.
  5. Healing effect.
  6. Softening, smoothing and toning of the skin.
  7. Fighting wrinkles.

Cosmetics series "Novosvit"

The Novosvit brand produces several lines of cosmetics. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. Filler gels and booster gels with vitamin E for facial skin care. This series includes three products: moisturizing gel “3D hyaluronic acid”, filler “Marine Collagen”, booster “Vitamins for the face”. The gel deeply moisturizes the skin, protects against the negative effects of free radicals, and prevents aging. Fillers make the skin firm, elastic, filling it with freshness and radiance. The booster nourishes dry, tired skin, filling it with vitamins.
  2. Unique Lamellar Line. It is represented by special emulsions that are as close as possible to the lipid layer of the dermis. The products prevent thinning of the skin and loss of its elasticity. The series is represented by day and night anti-wrinkle cream, eye cream, and anti-thinning skin concentrate.
  3. Products with hyaluronic acid and collagen. Designed to moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles. This includes "Aqua-gel 24 hours", hyaluronic filler for the skin around the eyes, caring makeup remover, hyaluronic night jelly. The series also includes hyaluronic strips for the area around the eyes, a scrub for washing with pearls, a cream-primer for deep wrinkles, and a foam for washing.
  4. Series with rejuvenating oils Concentrate. Designed to combat the first wrinkles. It includes a lifting gel for skin tightening, an activator gel for a youthful dermis, and an elixir for the face and neck.
  5. Line for combating expression wrinkles. Includes gel pads and corrective fluid for the eye area, night and day cream for intensive skin smoothing.
  6. Unique preparations for lifting.
  7. Complex of care products for men Real Men. The series includes an aftershave balm, an oil to enhance the growth of a thick beard, and a moisturizing aftershave lotion.
  8. Professional series "Manicure in 5 minutes". Here are products for caring for cuticles and nails at home. The series includes peeling, oil, wax cream, and cuticle remover gel.
  9. Line of cosmetics for sensitive skin. It solves problems of the dermis prone to irritation, dryness, and redness. The complex includes micellar lotion, night and day cream.
  10. Cosmetics for intimate care with lactic acid. They are presented with liquid soap and gentle foam for intimate hygiene.
  11. Cleansing series. It includes a mineral gel for washing, a tonic to relieve fatigue, and a cleansing milk for velvety skin.
  12. A series for intensive weight loss using natural ingredients STOP Cellulite. Cosmetics include a gel scrub, an anti-cellulite mask, a modeling gel cream, a thermal mask with a drainage effect and a firming serum.
  13. Cosmetics for hand skin care. The products very effectively moisturize the skin of the hands, relieve irritation, and restore damaged dermis. Here you will find hand cream with D-panthenol and coconut oil, and a balm for dry and cracked skin.
  14. Unique cosmetics for foot skin care. The series offers liquid talc to protect against chafing, a softening balm, and cream care for cracked and dry skin on the heels.


Reviews of aquagel "Hyaluronic acid and collagen"

Frequent stress, polluted environment, poor quality water, smoking, poor nutrition accelerate the loss of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This leads to loss of elasticity, the appearance of pigmentation, and the appearance of wrinkles. Novosvit specialists have developed cosmetics with hyaluronic acid and collagen. They prevent the loss of natural moisture reserves in the skin. Reviews of cosmetics "Novosvit. Hyaluronic acid and collagen" indicate the effectiveness of these products.

One of the products in this series is “Aqua-gel 24 hours”. Women note that the concentrate moisturizes well, renews the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles. Hyaluronic gel is well absorbed and restores the freshness of the face. Just 4-5 drops are enough to apply the gel all over your face.

The hyaluronic series is also represented by AquaFiller cream-filler for the skin around the eyes, moisturizing cream, caring makeup remover, and peeling roller. Many women use AquaBoost hyaluronic night jelly for wrinkles. The hyaluronic collection also includes a cream-primer for deep wrinkles, a gel and scrub for washing, and a foam for removing makeup. Reviews about Novosvit cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are only good; it really takes care of moisturizing and preserving the youth of the dermis all day long.

Products Novosvit Real Men

Men shave every day, which causes discomfort: the skin of the face becomes tight and dry. Reviews of Novosvit cosmetics prove that the series for men provides a soft glide of the razor and does not cause irritation. A special balm with panthenol and betaine will soothe the skin after shaving and heal minor damage.

Booster oil for mustache and beard promotes hair growth and nourishes hair follicles. The product contains macadamia oil, which is easily absorbed and makes the beard textured.

Aftershave lotion relieves irritation, refreshes and tones the face. A real godsend is a special shaving gel instead of foam. It's a pleasure to use: it doesn't clog the razor at all. After the release of this line of products, reviews from cosmetologists about Novosvit cosmetics were only positive.

Preparations for lifting and correction of wrinkles

It is worth mentioning the corrective fluid around the eyes from Novosvit. It perfectly removes crow's feet, nourishes dermal cells, and softens the skin around the eyes. The effect of the product is amazing, because it contains wheat germ oil, plant polysaccharides, parsley and sugar beet extracts.

Intensive night and day cream effectively smoothes wrinkles and strengthens the skin structure. It contains phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids from corn oil.


Well-groomed hands and feet

The hands are a very vulnerable part of the body. Nothing reveals a woman's age more than the condition of her hands. Novosvit specialists have developed a rich anti-chapping cream that serves to soften and heal the dermis. You can also treat chapped skin with Shea and Macadamia hand balm. It instantly eliminates dryness and tightness of the dermis.

The skin of the feet also requires special care, which is easy to provide with Novosvit products. A softening foot balm with 12% urea has a special effect. Extracts of oak bark and celandine perfectly eliminate dryness and flaking.


Anti-cellulite products

How girls want to get rid of extra centimeters on the waist or the “orange peel” effect. Gel scrubs from Novosvit are especially popular. They make the skin perfectly smooth and soft because they contain caffeine and Goji berries.

A marmalade scrub for weight loss will help to carefully remove dead skin cells from the dermis. The product contains extracts of ginger, nutmeg, cloves and pepper. The scrub stimulates blood circulation and reduces fat deposits.

Gel-activator of youthful skin from Novosvit

Reviews of the youth activator from Novosvit cosmetics testify to its uniqueness. It relieves skin tightness thanks to beta-glucan, a natural product made from oat grains. The concentrate is quickly absorbed, leaving the skin smooth and elastic. The product can act as a base for makeup. The product was created to enhance the anti-aging effect of creams.

Skin cleansing products

You need to cleanse the dermis with effective products containing natural ingredients. Special milk from Novosvit gently cleanses the face of makeup and impurities. It has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

Immediately after washing, you can apply a toner that relieves fatigue. The product will fill the epidermis with energy and maintain its tone.


Clients about hair filler

Many girls leave grateful reviews about hair filler (Novosvit cosmetics). The strands look shiny and well-groomed after it. The product perfectly softens curls. The product protects hair from harmful environmental influences. Great for those who often use a hair dryer, straightener or curling iron.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Experts advise women to use Novosvit cosmetics without any doubt. Reviews from cosmetologists only prove its effectiveness. With the right selection of the Novosvit cosmetic line, you can slow down the aging process. Experts highlight the natural components of products as a big advantage. Only a minimal portion of the ingredients are synthetic.

The skin with "Novosvit" is truly restored and takes on a well-groomed appearance. Cosmetics of this brand are known even abroad.