About a way to keep women's breasts small and firm

A woman who wants to keep her breasts firm should try to go to the bathhouse less often; this also applies to boys. “The medicine that we will now describe works excellently in this regard. Take white lead and Kimolos clay, two dirhams each, mix it with the juice of henbane seeds and add a little mastic oil. Lubricate the chest with this mixture and constantly keep a linen rag on it, dipped in a cooled infusion of galls, especially if the breasts are saggy. Women have also tested pure clay with honey, and if you add opium and bread with vinegar to it, it has a stronger effect. Or they take twenty dirhams of pure clay and two dirhams of hemlock and prepare an ointment with vinegar. Or they take Samian clay, akakiya and white lead and, together with the squeezed juice of henbane stems, lubricate the chest. Or they take incense, cowrie shells and barley flour, mix it with very strong vinegar and smear the chest with this mixture for three days. Or they take the eggs of mountain partridges, verdigris, maya and kalimiya and smear the chest with this mixture with the juice of the flea plantain, or smear it on the chest with the hemlock grass as it is, which is crushed, tied with vinegar and left on the chest for three days.

And if you want your chest to become lighter, place a sponge dipped in water on it. Or they take squeezed thirasis juice, pomegranate peels, tin burnt with sulfur for a dirham each, Yemenite alum, tin white, burnt lentils for a dirham each, burnt snails, pumice for three dirhams each; This composition is mixed with the juice of the great plantain and lubricated with it on the chest. Or they take cumin with iris rhizome, honey and water and leave it on the chest for three days; or they take ushshak with hemlock and put it on the chest for three days, or one hemlock, which is kept on the chest for nine days. One of the statements related to this area is that the breasts should be lubricated with blood from the genitals of a boar or the blood of a hedgehog or the blood of a turtle. Or they take olive oil and alum, ground into powder, and keep this composition in a lead mortar until the lead passes into it; They constantly lubricate the chest with it. They also take pure clay and unripe galls, bind both substances with honey and lubricate the chest.