Which wrist expander is better?

We all know what kind of greeting men use – a handshake. Therefore, in order not to lose face, every boy, guy or adult male must have an impressive grip - you can’t do without it now! With what sports equipment you can achieve this - read this article...

Many strength sports and martial arts require good forearm muscle development. Therefore, various athletes pay attention to their training: basketball players, tennis players, volleyball players, bodybuilders, boxers, sambo wrestlers... The list can go on forever, since to one degree or another the forearm muscles play a key role in almost any sport, without exception.

However, developed forearms are of greatest importance, of course, for weightlifters and arm wrestlers. Lifting significant weights and arm wrestling are those sports whose fans purposefully train the muscles of this part of the body, using special exercises and equipment. And among the simulators that are designed for this purpose, the undisputed leadership belongs to hand expanders. However, each athlete must carefully choose it based on various factors.

In order to decide which wrist expander is better, let’s consider their varieties as a whole:

1. With a compression spring. One of the most common options consists of two handles that fit in the palm of your hand, connected by a spring. You need to overcome its resistance with muscle effort and bring the handles as close to each other as possible. By the way, the popular expander called “Captains of Crush” belongs to this type.

Advantages: low price, reliability, ease of operation, sold in almost every sporting goods store.

Flaws: it is impossible to adjust the resistance and stroke, the load is weak for experienced athletes and too strong for beginners, the handles are not comfortable for everyone.

3. In the form of a rubber circle. The undisputed leader in the category of hand expanders. It is a regular rubber circle that must be compressed using muscle force. Sizes and resistance may vary.

Advantages: low price, reliability, availability.

Flaws: You cannot adjust the resistance (alternatively, you can purchase several different expanders).

4. With stretchable spring. They have a more complex design. In essence, they are the same pair of handles that need to be brought together. One of them is attached to a spring (or springs), which in turn are attached to a fixed part of the structure. Using muscle effort, you need to bring the handles of the exercise machine as close as possible.

Advantages: ease of use, as well as many design options allow you to adjust the spring resistance.

Flaws: relatively high cost, often large in size - if you can carry a regular rubber circle in your pocket and train your muscles anywhere, then this will not work with this simulator.

5. Ball-shaped expander. Everything here is clear from the name - the simulator is made in the form of a ball or cocoon made of rubber, or even better, metal.

Advantages: affordable price, can be taken with various grips.

Flaws: resistance cannot be adjusted.

The above varieties are only the most common options for hand expanders. At the moment, anyone can easily find and choose a forearm muscle trainer that is suitable for them in design and strength. It is very difficult to select the best one from them - it all depends on what exactly you need it for. Which one you ultimately buy is still up to you!

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