About what excites belching

When winds form in the stomach and they do not go down, but linger at the mouth of the stomach and cause suffering, then they should be removed by belching, just as excesses that float up in the stomach are removed by vomiting, otherwise they upset digestion and cause food to float up. This is done if there is no assumption that there is a lot of fluid and mucus in the stomach, ready to go into the winds; otherwise, there can be no confidence that the stimulation of excessive belching will not cause serious complications. We say: among the medicines that induce belching are samap, rue leaves, anise, cumin, pulegium mint, mint, azhgon, cloves, mastic and incense, which is chewed or drunk.

Treatment of excessive burping. As for the reasons that cause belching and the indications it gives about the state of the stomach, we mention this in the paragraph on judgments. With sour belching, it is useful for patients to drink falafili with wine, and sometimes they benefit from taking dry coriander in the amount of mithqal before the afternoon and evening meals, and then, after eating, drinking pure wine. Among the measures to calm belching is, as some say, applying a cake of lime and chicken feces to the stomach area. As for smoky belching, if it comes from matter, bitter wormwood and iyaraja help, if it comes from matter, then cooling, extinguishing heat and giving strength are useful, for example, thickly brewed juices of cold fruits and cooling foods.