
When refined facial features became fashionable, disfiguring scars and tumors began to be considered a sign of unsuccessful cosmetology. Continuous wars, especially in Asia, have given rise to aesthetic norms that take human beauty beyond anything known in human history. Now the obsequious artist-horse-drawn juggler spends months preparing his face for the ultimate reward—beautification or disfigurement. The more beautiful a warrior's face, the higher his dignity. “A face that shines from the very depths of your being, arousing the love of your enemies,” such epithets honor the beauty of a young man doomed to death, which should accompany his glory.

According to the author of "The Clash of Civilizations" S.P. Huntington (1996), in any society this contradiction leads either to an era when violence leads to the improvement of the human race, or to degradation and collapse. The conflict of civilization, according to Huntington, arises from the fact that their values ​​are sometimes poorly compatible. When a value system that has a monopoly on power is not going to adapt to other systems that are more flexible by definition, such a conflict is inevitable. If a tradition within a community contradicts modern civilization, then gradually, until it becomes one of the parties to the conflict, pressure and ignoring (avoidance) of it begins. Another important factor is the different approach to respecting freedom of thought and belief in different cultures.

Disfigurement: A change in the face that leaves a mark for life.

The human face is one of the most recognizable and expressive attributes of a person. It reflects emotions, communicative intentions and the internal state of a person. However, there are circumstances where the natural appearance of the face can be permanently altered, leading to a condition known as disfigurement.

Disfigurement is a change in the natural appearance of a person's face, which can be caused by various factors, including external influences or pathological processes. It is different from temporary changes such as bruising or swelling because it does not go away on its own or with regular treatment.

External factors that can cause disfigurement may include trauma, burns, or other forms of physical abuse. Severe car accidents, assaults or accidents can cause serious damage to the face, causing it to become deformed and lose its natural symmetry. Such changes can have lasting psychological consequences for the affected person as they affect their self-esteem, social interactions and quality of life.

Pathological processes can also lead to disfigurement. This includes various diseases such as tumors, genetic disorders, infections or autoimmune diseases that can cause changes in facial structure or function. Some of these conditions can be progressive and difficult to treat, leaving the patient with permanent facial changes throughout life.

Physical disfigurement can have significant psychological and social consequences. People suffering from disfigurement may experience feelings of shame, low self-esteem and depression. They may avoid social events, social interactions, and feel isolated from the world around them. In addition, disfigurement can affect a person's professional opportunities by causing discrimination or limiting career choices.

However, modern medicine and technology offer some options to help people suffering from disfigurement. Reconstructive surgery, prosthetics, and the use of cosmetic products and procedures can help restore facial appearance and improve a person's self-esteem. Psychological support and public awareness of disfigurement also play an important role in helping victims overcome psychological difficulties and integrate into society.

In conclusion, disfigurement is a major change in the natural appearance of the face that remains unchanged over time. It can be caused by various factors, including trauma, pathological processes and diseases. Disfigurement has long-lasting psychological and social consequences for those affected, but modern medical options can help restore appearance and improve quality of life. Support and awareness of disfigurement is important to creating a fairer and more inclusive society where everyone can feel confident and accepted, regardless of appearance.