Sea Buckthorn Fruit And Leaf Oil

People have been using sea buckthorn for skin diseases since ancient times.

In old manuscripts you can find a description of ointment made from sea buckthorn, which healers successfully treated wounds, frostbite, burns, ulcers, cracks, etc. Populists prepared jam and even a drink mainly from fresh sea buckthorn berries to treat various ailments. Even in ancient times, they prepared such a potion: crush fresh sea buckthorn berries with a wooden pestle in a clay bowl until a thick paste is obtained, and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Within 4-6 days a feeling of bitterness appears, but there is no taste or smell. This bitterness is eaten with pleasure by pets and birds, since during a cold it causes abundant salivation, which is very useful, especially in the treatment of inflammatory catarrhal phenomena. Sea buckthorn oil is prepared using the same principle.