Umbilical Cord Twisted Around Neck

Umbilical cord entwined around the neck

The risk of the umbilical cord entangling around the neck occurs if the umbilical cord is very long. During intrauterine movement, the fetus may become entangled in it. This complication is rare, but it is very dangerous, since during childbirth the umbilical cord can become very tight and cut off the fetus’s access to oxygen. In this case, if you do not act quickly enough, the child may die.

If the fetus is positioned incorrectly in the uterus: obliquely or crosswise, then there is a risk of umbilical cord prolapse. It can get into the gap between the fetal body and the pelvis. Less often, this situation occurs when the child is in a normal position. The reason for this may be a very narrow pelvis, multiple pregnancies, or too much amniotic fluid.

After your water breaks, a loop of the umbilical cord may prolapse into the vagina. This will not cause any inconvenience to the woman, but the child may suffer greatly. As it passes through the pelvis, the umbilical cord may become pinched. As a result, the blood in it will stop circulating and entering the child’s body. In order to prevent this, the doctor needs to perform a vaginal examination immediately after the water breaks. This way he will be able to determine whether the umbilical cord has fallen out or not and, if the situation becomes more complicated, help the child in a timely manner.