Optic neuritis

Optic neuritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Optic neuritis is an inflammatory disease that leads to decreased visual function. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of optic neuritis.

Causes of optic neuritis

Optic neuritis can be caused by a number of reasons, including acute and chronic infections (influenza, sore throat, typhus, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.), intoxication (methyl alcohol, etc.), diabetes mellitus, gout, blood diseases, nephritis , focal infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.), inflammatory diseases of the brain and its membranes, etc.

Pathogenesis of optic neuritis

With optic neuritis, the inflammatory process directly spreads to the optic nerve from the paranasal sinuses or membranes of the brain, metastasis of the infection during bacteremia, and a reaction of the nervous tissue to sensitization during general infections and intoxications.

Symptoms of optic neuritis

The main symptoms of optic neuritis are decreased vision, concentric, sometimes uneven narrowing of the visual field, primarily to colors, central and paracentral scotomas in the visual field. The optic disc is hyperemic, does not prolate (the exception is the form of neuritis with edema), its boundaries are unclear. The retinal arteries are usually somewhat narrowed, the veins are dilated and tortuous. Hemorrhages on and around the disc are possible.

Treatment of optic neuritis

Treatment of optic neuritis is aimed primarily at the underlying disease. Antibiotics (preferably broad-spectrum) and corticosteroids are also used. For symptoms of edema, a 50% glycerin solution is used orally (at the rate of 1.5 g/kg) for a week, Diacarb 0.25 g 2-3 times a day, a 40% glucose solution 20 ml IV - 15-20 infusions, 40% solution of hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine) IV, 10 ml - 10 infusions; vitamins Bt and B12 IM 1 ml daily - 15-20 injections. During the period of subsidence of inflammatory phenomena, general stimulants and vasodilators are used (nicotinic acid 0.05 g, nigexin 0.25 g 2 times a day, papaverine 0.02 g 3 times a day, aloe extract, FiBS, etc.), autohemotherapy.

Prognosis of optic neuritis

Timely treatment of optic neuritis can help maintain a sufficiently high level of vision. However, with late treatment, optic nerve atrophy usually occurs. The prognosis is worse with toxic lesions of the optic nerve.

In conclusion, optic neuritis is a serious condition that can lead to deterioration in visual function. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment of the underlying disease that caused the optic neuritis. It is also necessary to follow preventive measures such as treating infections, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing toxic effects on the body.