Hotspot of Mass Sanitary Losses

A source of mass sanitary losses is a section of terrain exposed to damaging factors, during which a large number of people (more than 20 people) are in a certain area in need of prompt medical care due to injury, contusion, prolonged compartment syndrome, as well as due to the presence of people with other diseases that require medical care to preserve human life.

One of the key signs of a source of mass sanitary losses is the impossibility of transferring from the scene of the incident all those in need of help to medical institutions in order to receive first aid, which involves carrying out a set of measures aimed at restoring and preserving human health, including the use of medicines and medical products . It is worth noting that first aid can not only speed up the process of healing and recovery of the wounded, but also save the lives of the victims. In areas of mass sanitary losses, healthcare should be focused on countering the trends of expansion of the epidemic disease. Thus, one of the conditions for the effectiveness of the healthcare system in emergency situations is the prompt organization of emergency assistance to the injured and injured population, the effective use of resources of healthcare organizations, logistics and equipping them with medical and sanitary equipment, human and technical resources. Foci of mass sanitary losses are the area of ​​responsibility and efforts of management to protect the population when exposed to specific damaging factors (combat