One-day heat fever

Sometimes fever occurs from hot air, from the heat in the bathhouse and the like; More often this happens from strong solar heat. First of all, fever attaches itself to the mental pneuma, since the head is the first to suffer from the heat, and the air in the head heats up, reaches the heart and produces fever, and then spreads throughout the body. However, sometimes the fever first sticks to the heart due to the hotness of the breath and when the head is protected from the heat, but more often than not, solar fever, when it arises, affects the brain and the head, and if the vessels of a person’s head are unclean, it overflows. And it is not sun fever - from the summer heat, from a bath or other - that affects the heart.

Signs. A sign is the presence of a corresponding cause and, in the solar, cerebral variety of fever, intense burning of the head. Sometimes there is heaviness and fullness if the person’s body is unclean, but with the cardiac variety, the breathing becomes large, the body outside is very hot, hotter than inside. One of the signs by which fever from heat is recognized is slight thirst, less than usually happens when the heat in a person is so strong. In this respect, fever from heat is the opposite of fever from tight skin.

Treatment. Treatment should begin by pouring cooling substances and cold oils over the head and chest, especially rose oil cooled in the snow, which is poured on the head and chest from a distance. The patient is given cold water or something like that, and they do not stop doing this until the fever subsides. When she leaves the patient, take him to the bathhouse, not paying attention to catarrh, if he has one, and bathe him in warm water, but do not allow the air in the bathhouse to heat him up. Do not be afraid to pour hot water on his head - it will moisten his head and dispel the fever; The need for bathing in such a patient is greater than the need for rubbing. And when he comes out of the bath, pour cold oils on his head like rose oil or water lily oil.