
Dandelion is a natural remedy that is used to treat various diseases such as anorexia, gastritis, and liver and gallbladder disorders. It is made from dandelion roots, which contain bitter glycosides, inulin and triterpenes. Includes:

1. Bitter glycosides are substances that have a bitter-burning taste, helping to increase the secretion of gastric juice and thereby improve appetite. 2. Triterpenoids are a number of active components present in the juice, oil and many extracts of the plant. These substances include lactones, sterols and tricholontan. 3. Inulin is a complex carbohydrate compound obtained from the roots of the plant, consisting of fructose and glucose. The effect of inulin is associated with its ability to strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion. 4. Resin is a secondary product of plant origin, which is used in medicines to increase their viscosity. Resins help relieve pain syndromes in skin diseases and also have anti-inflammatory properties.