Stun Ethereal

Etheric stun is a type of raush anesthesia that occurs when inhaling ether vapors.

When inhaling ether vapor, it is quickly absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. The ether affects the central nervous system, causing first excitation and then depression of brain activity.

At the initial stage of etheric deafening, a state of euphoria and excitement appears, and coordination of movements is impaired. Then comes loss of consciousness, muscle relaxation and pain relief.

Etheric stunning was widely used in medicine as a general anesthetic during operations until the middle of the 20th century. However, this method has a number of disadvantages and dangers associated with the toxicity and explosiveness of ether.

Currently, ethereal stunning is practically not used for medical purposes, giving way to more modern and safe methods of anesthesia. However, inhaling ether vapor is still used for non-medical purposes to achieve a state of euphoria.

Ethereal stunning (English aetheriain) is one of the most famous methods of anesthesia, which is used during surgical interventions. The essence of the method is to create the so-called “atheoric sleep”, in which a person loses contact with the outside world and is unable to exhibit any motor activity. However, it is worth noting