Oxandrolone - everything about this popular anabolic steroid.

Those who are seriously interested in steroid drugs have probably heard about oxandrolone more than once, but few of them are well versed in its properties, features of use, side effects, nuances of combination with other drugs, and many other important aspects of its use. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to this particular problem and tell you about all the intricacies of using this now popular steroid drug.

  1. Definition and history.
  2. Advantages of application.
  3. Side effects.
  4. How to use?
  5. Who and how to use Oxandrolone Anavar?
  6. Oxandrolone for women.
  7. Conclusion and summary.

Definition and history.

Oxandrolone Anavar, Oksan, Oksana, Oksanka - this is what bodybuilders popularly call this pharmacological drug. It, like other anabolic steroids, has many names, most of which are slang. It is often also called by the names of the manufacturers' trademarks: Anavar and Vasorome. Only this does not change the essence of the anabolic steroid created by Searle Laboratories and first released back in 1964...

This synthetic steroid drug has achieved very wide popularity due to its extremely low androgenic activity and along with this high anabolic index.

It was not immediately used in sports, because initially its development was associated with the treatment of serious diseases, such as HIV, Turner syndrome, anemia, and it was also used in post-burn therapy...

With the beginning of its use in various sports, Anavar was included in a special list of controlled substances.

Advantages of application.

Speaking about the steroid profile, it should be noted that oxandrolone has a very high anabolic activity, reaching 400% of testosterone, and the previously mentioned androgenic activity: on the contrary, it is low, amounting to only 25%. The big advantage of this drug is the lack of conversion into estrogens (female hormones), or aromatization, as it is called in professional circles. When compared with other tablet drugs, oxandrolone is less toxic to the liver, in any case, its level is called weak or moderate. Regarding the duration of action, the time frame is 8-12 hours. If you stop taking it, then after about a month and a half it will be almost impossible to notice traces of the drug in the body - hence its wild popularity in professional iron sports...

So, what effects can you expect from Oksana? Firstly, a significant improvement in muscle definition and hardness, this is perhaps the main effect that is noticed from its use. In addition, other beneficial qualities are present: a decrease in subcutaneous fat, an increase in the amount of growth hormone and a clear increase in strength. It is also believed that the substance is a good anti-catabolic and helps prevent catabolism.

Following the advice of professionals, oxandrolone should be taken at the cutting stage by athletes with significant muscle mass and a small amount of body fat and, accordingly, should not be used when gaining weight.

The issue of side effects, of course, worries every sane athlete. But it should be assured that although the drug is alpha-17-alkalized, you should not worry about harm to the liver. This is easy to check, because if the functions of this organ are impaired, your stool will be light, and your urine, on the contrary, will be darker than usual. But researchers assure that taking the drug in a reasonable dosage (20 mg per day) for three months does not affect the condition of the liver.

You can also forget about the formation of gynecomastia and the accumulation of fluid in your body, since Anavar does not have aromatization, and also only slightly affects the suppression of the production of your own male hormone, but that’s all if you use it in moderate doses!

In the case of high dosages, the level of gonadotropin decreases, and this is the response of your body. If you take more of the substance, equal to 80 milligrams per day, this risks reducing your own testosterone levels by 70%.

In fact, this will mean a significant decrease in libido and sluggish erection for a male athlete. But such an undesirable effect can be eliminated with the help of a gonadotropin supplement or a course, also combined with androgenic drugs.

Classic side effects of oxandrolone include:

  1. appetite suppression,
  2. feeling of mild pain in the abdomen,
  3. high blood pressure,
  4. as well as headaches.

As for appetite, this can be corrected by including peptides in the course, for example GPRH-2, which will significantly enhance it. Well, other side effects are quite rare and this, first of all, depends on the health of the person and the level of susceptibility of his body to the active pharmacological substance. This, in comparison with other anabolic steroids, is a very small list of possible side effects from the drug we are considering.

How to use?

Taking into account all of the above, those people who have already decided for themselves that they will use oxandrolone are most likely also interested in: how to correctly create a course? We mentioned above what effects it has when taken “solo”. Based on the data from the paragraph with side effects, we conclude that the most appropriate period of use of the drug will be one and a half to two months.

It is best to start taking it with small doses of 20 mg per day, divided into 2 doses, so it will be effective for the whole day. After a week of use, you should increase to 40 mg, and a maximum of 80. However, having reached the peak, divide into three doses per day. If no significant side effects are observed, then you should continue taking it until the scheduled time has expired. To avoid unwanted effects, 3 days after completing the course, start taking 10 grams of Tamoxifen per day, this is necessary to restore the natural level of male hormone production. The most optimal period for such restorative therapy would be up to 2 weeks. Since the drug was created to increase relief, you need to choose the right diet for it, and for greater effect, take sports nutrition and nutritional supplements.

In independent surveys, bodybuilders often give preference to oxandrolone Anavar, emphasizing what they like about it, namely:

  1. severity of the effect,
  2. mass quality,
  3. rollback phenomenon,
  4. low frequency of side effects.

But at the same time, its rather high price is considered the biggest disadvantage. Such high cost is often associated with the complex manufacturing process. But since steroid drugs are under strict state control, everything that falls into the hands of amateur bodybuilders is actually made handicraft and incomprehensibly where, and then somehow brought to us... And it is precisely because of this that we cannot know for sure what is in the package, and in what quantity is the active substance present...

Our advice to you is to always read independent reviews about a particular company that produces this steroid, since “unclean businessmen” can easily push you into a similar substance with the desired name, and this will have unforeseen consequences, because you will be doing PCT from “Oxana”.

Who and how to use Oxandrolone Anavar?

Now let's talk about who should take it and who should refrain from using this steroid drug. Obviously, before starting the course, you should consult with an experienced sports doctor, make a serious diagnosis of your physical condition, pass all tests... If there are no obvious health problems, you can take the substance. If you have high blood pressure, liver problems, or prostate problems, it is better to refrain from taking steroids altogether, but the choice is always yours. Speaking about the age of admission, it is better if the person is already an adult and the body is already formed in the required way.

This steroid, without a doubt, has the lion's share of popularity among representatives of the “iron world”. It is loved by bodybuilders, weightlifters, lifters and fitness models... However, many athletes from other sports disciplines also take it to improve their quality strength and technical performance. These are mainly representatives of athletics sports, swimmers, boxers, and many others...

Women can also use this drug, because it does not cause virilization if everything is done carefully. It is relatively safe, because in some cases it is even prescribed to children for medical purposes.

Negative effects such as acne, withdrawal and loss of voice, clitoral hypertension and hair loss were most often encountered in practice due to exceeding the dosage of more than 6 tablets per day.

Regarding the amount and dosage of oxandrolone for women, it is best to take no more than 30 mg of the substance per day, but, according to many, this is too much, because even the use of 15-20 mg brings impressive results to women. With such moderate dosages, masculinization does not occur, and there is no virilization.

* masculinization is the process of accumulation of male secondary sexual characteristics.

* virilization is a change in the synthesis of hormones in a woman, with a predominance of male sex hormones.

The popularity of this anabolic steroid among the fair sex in the United States of America is much higher, most likely due to its availability, so female athletes consider it the main drug at hand for every day. In the post-Soviet space, this is not entirely true, firstly due to the impressive cost of this pleasure, and secondly, insufficient information about Anavar.

We recommend that novice athletes take a trial course between menstruation and feel how the body reacts to such experiments; the dosage should be 10 mg of the substance per day.

Women who used this steroid most often noticed that it really did not have any obvious side effects, but since oxandrolone slightly irritates the mucous membranes, sometimes there was mild heartburn, which was eliminated by using the drug after meals and drinking plenty of water. There have been cases of increased vaginal wetting and excessive sweating.

But, nevertheless, all these minor disadvantages are covered by significant advantages - from such an easy course, women involved in fitness began to see the relief of their figure more clearly...

Conclusion and summary.

To course or not to course? - that’s the question... Our site actively promotes pure bodybuilding. We oppose the use of anabolic steroids in sports, and this article is for informational and educational purposes only. Ultimately the question is: should I take this drug or not? – it’s up to you to decide. And remember, if you still decide to take this step, then follow all the rules and warnings, and then you will be able to fully achieve the desired result, maybe even without losses, which is what we sincerely wish for you! If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Our experts will be happy to answer...

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