Oncometry Indirect

Oncometry indirect

Oncometry is a method of determining the amount of blood flowing through an organ. It is used to measure blood flow in organs and tissues.

To measure blood flow, special devices are used - oncometers. They allow you to determine the amount of blood filling the organs, based on measuring the difference between the amount of blood flowing in and out of the organ.

When using an oncometer, the organ is placed in a special container that allows you to measure the amount of blood passing through it. The container is then filled with blood and the time required for it to completely pass through the organ is measured.

Thus, oncometry makes it possible to determine the speed of blood flow in an organ and evaluate its function. This can be useful in diagnosing various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and liver disease, and in assessing the effectiveness of treatment.

Oncometry is a method of ultrasound examination of a tumor with assessment of its blood supply to identify circulatory disorders in the tumor. During oncometry, a motor study is performed in the area of ​​​​tumor projection using an ultrasound sensor, which allows one to estimate the speed of blood movement through the vessels of organs (in