
Oneirophrenia (oneiromania in French) is a mental illness that is characterized by a persistent fascination with dreams and night dreams. Although most people do not usually attach much importance to their dreams, for some people they can become an obsessive fascination or even a separate type of obsessive obsession.

Oneirophrenia is classified as “mania”, since obsessive dreams are often perceived by patients as something extremely pleasant and useful. A person suffering from oneirophrenia spends all his free time remembering and retelling his night visions. In this case, the patient

Oneirophrenia (ancient Greek ὄνειροφρένιος “oneiro-” + φρήν “mind, mind”) is a sleep neurosis, delirium of dreams, delirium resulting from sleep. Unlike delirium and delirium tremens, sleep with O. is conscious of patients. Oneiromantic - This name refers to the fact that dreams can be pleasant and give a person a feeling of well-being.

Oneirophobia - fear of losing one's mind during sleep; sometimes mistakenly called wart or belay. It manifests itself as a fear of falling asleep or losing consciousness during sleep, sleep disturbances in the form of insomnia or increased sleepiness. O. is almost always combined with some kind of psychoneurosis. In children it is most often called “cosmophobia”.

Causes of oneuropsychic disorders

As stated above, psychiatrists divide the main causes of oneiropsychsis into 3 groups: exogenous, endogenous and somatogenic.

The first group of exogenous causes usually refers to irreversible factors: for example, oxygen starvation of tissues, intoxication of the body, traumatic brain injury, brain hypoxia, severe diseases of the meninges, tumors. Destruction of brain tissue, as a rule, manifests itself in irreversible changes in nerve cells, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of oneiropsy disorder. The cause may also be severe, prolonged overstrain of the body. This can be caused by both emergency circumstances (combat,