Speech Pressure

About speech pressure

**Speech pressure** is a sharp increase in speech activity caused by a mental or neurotic disorder in a person who has a loss of sense of proportion, norms and rhythm of speech associated with repeated repetition of certain speeches. The patient complains of uncontrollable talking about feelings, irritability during silence, and can start a conversation himself, repeating the same thing over and over again. Unlike ordinary arousal, which is overcome in the process of mental activity aimed at analyzing the current situation, eliminating speech pressure requires long, intense, but not always effective work of one of the hemispheres of the brain (medicines cannot cure it).

Speech pressure is a pathological speech condition that occurs as a result of any impact (speech stress, frustration, fear, excitement, embarrassment, etc.). It is most often the result of information overload.

However, it's not all bad! Scientists have found answers to this question. There is a solution to the problem. If your child or colleague suffers from speech impediment, the following methods may help. Unfortunately, they are not enough to completely get rid of the problem, but they can improve a person’s condition. 1. Talk to him less often - Replace live communication with correspondence in