
Onychoclasia is a disease that manifests itself in the form of brittleness and destruction of the nail plate. This can be caused by various reasons such as injury, infection, allergies and other diseases.

One of the most common causes of onychoclasia is nail trauma. For example, if there is a bruise, blow or other mechanical impact on the nail, it may break. Onychoclasia can also be caused by infections such as a fungus or bacterial infection.

In addition, onychoclasia can be caused by allergic reactions to various substances, such as cosmetics or medications.

To treat onychoclasia, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will examine the nail and determine the cause of the disease. If it is an injury, then the injury must be treated. If the cause is infections or allergies, then appropriate treatment must be prescribed.

Also, to prevent onychoclasia, it is recommended to avoid mechanical damage to the nails, monitor the hygiene of the hands and feet, and also properly care for the nails using special nail care products.

Onychoclasia is damage to the nail, which can lead to brittleness and splitting, as well as deformation of the nail plate. In this article we will look at the causes of onychoclasia, its symptoms and treatment. Causes of occurrence Like any other health problem, onychoclasia has its causes. Here are some of them:

1. Nutrient Deficiency: If your body lacks essential vitamins and minerals, your nails may become weak and brittle. 2. Nail Trauma: Trauma to the nail can damage its structure and cause onychoclasia. 3. Fungal infection: Some fungi can cause damage to the nail plate and contribute to the development of onychoclasia. 4. Taking certain medications: Certain medications can cause onychoclasia, such as antibiotics or antidepressants. 5. Chronic diseases: Liver, kidney and heart diseases can deteriorate nail health and lead to onychoclasia. 6. Inadequate nail care: Improper nail care, such as using too harsh nail products.