Tubercle Solitary

Solitary tuberculosis (lat. tubercolosis solitaria) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of a single, localized tuberculous lesion in the lungs, which is not associated with other tuberculous lesions.

Solitary tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease, as it can lead to serious complications and even death.

Solitary tuberculosis is usually called pulmonary tuberculosis, which develops without the involvement of other people. Solitary tuberculoma manifests itself slowly, gradually increasing in size and causing the appearance of stony density in the affected area. In the future, it can form cavities that can spread to adjacent lobes or segments of the lung and disintegrate.

Solitary tuberculoma is formed from one bacteriocecum - segmental or lobar tuberculoma, surrounded by connective tissue. Quite often, this isolated focus is joined by a caseous cavity filled with necrotic discharge. This process is known as acinous tuberculosis or tuberculoid decay. This type of tuberculosis is complicated by the release of a large amount of toxins, which causes the formation of a cavity - a cavity in the lung.

The main symptom of solitary tuberculosis is a gradual increase in the volume of pulmonary collapse. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be diagnosed based on clinical laboratory examination data.