
Onychomycosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Onychomycosis, also known as fungal nail infection or onychia fungus, is a common condition that affects the fingernails and toenails. This is a fungal infection that can cause destruction of the nail plate and lead to unpleasant symptoms. In this article we will look at the causes of onychomycosis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

The causes of onychomycosis can be varied. One of the main causes is contact with fungi such as dermatophytes, candida and molds. Fungal infections can be spread through direct contact with infected surfaces such as nails, shoes, towels and hygiene products. There is also an increased risk of onychomycosis in people with weakened immune systems, diabetes, circulatory problems, or nail injuries.

Symptoms of onychomycosis can vary depending on the extent of the lesion. In the initial stages of infection, nails may become dull, lose their natural shine, and acquire a yellowish tint. Over time, nails may become thicker and brittle, develop unevenness on the surface, and develop white or yellow spots. In some cases, nails may peel off from the nail bed or change shape. If the infection continues to progress, it may become painful and spread to nearby nails.

To diagnose onychomycosis, a doctor will usually examine the affected nails and take a sample for laboratory analysis. Treatment for onychomycosis can be lengthy and require patience. Your doctor may prescribe antifungal medications, which can be taken orally or applied directly to the affected nails. Special antimycotic varnishes and creams can also be used.

In addition to drug treatment, it is important to take precautions to prevent the spread of infection and promote healing of the nails. It is recommended to maintain good nail hygiene by trimming nails regularly, avoiding tight or ill-fitting shoes, and avoiding walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools and locker rooms.

In conclusion, onychomycosis is a common condition that can cause discomfort and aesthetic problems. It is important to pay attention to early symptoms of nail damage and consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Prompt initiation of therapy can help prevent the infection from spreading and achieve full recovery. In addition to drug treatment, following good hygiene and precautions is an important part of the onychomycosis treatment process.

Onychomycosis is a fungal disease of the fingernails or toenails caused by dermatophytes. A person becomes infected mainly through close contact with a carrier of the fungus. The most favorable environment for the existence of the pathogen is high humidity and warm temperature.

Symptoms of onychomycosis

A defect in the nails is a manifestation of a fungal disease. In addition, rashes occur at the base of the nail plate. There are patients with destruction of the nail right up to the membrane. As the disease progresses, thickening of the nail plate is noted. Nails look uneven, color and texture change. Other symptoms may occur: itching, peeling, swelling of the skin. All these signs indicate the onset of onychomitosis. If they are ignored, then over time they go into deeper stages, when treatment will be more difficult. The disease manifests itself as spots on the skin