Oppel Gastropexy

Oppel Gastropexy is a surgical procedure used to strengthen the stomach in its natural location. This may be necessary for various diseases, such as hiatal hernia, reflux esophagitis and others.

Oppel Gastropexy was first proposed by the Soviet surgeon Vladimir Aleksandrovich Oppel in 1920. He was one of the first to use this operation to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The essence of the operation is that the stomach is strengthened in its natural location using special sutures. This allows you to prevent its displacement and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

After surgery, the patient may experience some discomfort due to the need to follow a diet and restrictions in physical activity. However, in most cases, Oppel Gastropexy is an effective treatment method and can improve the quality of life of patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oppel gastropexy: History and application of the method

Oppel gastropexy is a surgical procedure that received its name in honor of the outstanding Soviet surgeon Vladimir Aleksandrovich Oppel (1872-1932). This method was developed and popularized by Oppel at the beginning of the 20th century and is still widely used in surgical practice.

Gastropexy is an operation aimed at fixing the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent gastric displacement and related problems such as hiatal hernia or gastroesophageal reflux.

Oppel gastropexy is usually performed using laparoscopic surgery, which reduces the size of the wound and speeds up the healing process. During the operation, the surgeon makes small incisions in the abdominal wall and inserts a laparoscope, a device with a video camera that allows visualization of internal organs. The stomach is then attached to the anterior abdominal wall using special sutures or implanted materials.

The advantages of Oppel gastropexy are its effectiveness and minimal invasiveness. It helps prevent stomach displacement, which improves digestion and reduces the risk of complications. In addition, this procedure can be used as a stand-alone surgery or in combination with other surgical procedures on the stomach or digestive system.

Oppel gastropexy has found widespread use in the treatment of diseases such as hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, as well as in the prevention of relapses of gastric ulcer. Additionally, this method can be used to prevent gastric displacement in patients who have previously had gastric or abdominal surgery.

Oppel gastropexy is one of many methods developed by the Soviet surgeon Vladimir Aleksandrovich Oppel, who made a significant contribution to the development of surgery and left a rich legacy for future generations of medical specialists. Today, this method is widely used in many countries and continues to be an effective tool in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In conclusion, Oppel gastropexy is an important surgical procedure that can improve the quality of life of patients suffering from diseases of the stomach and digestive system. Due to its minimal invasiveness and high efficiency, it has become one of the preferred methods for gastric fixation. Oppel gastropexy continues to attract the attention of the medical community and remain in demand in surgical practice, helping to improve the health and well-being of patients.