Testicular tumor Adenomatous

Adenomatous diseases of testicular tissues are common, and oat cell (oatoma) cancer is one of them. The vast majority of tumors and cysts that appear in the abdominal cavity or pelvis of men of different ages are rather insignificant benign than malignant. And the overtone “oat” is added by doctors for the fact they are usually diagnosed by ultrasound during ultrasound examination. This syndrome is classified according to the TNM (Tumor-Nodes-Metastases) system based on the degree of differentiation of the tumor and its size, as well as the presence or absence of regional lymph nodes pathology and results of research of microcirculation disorders in the neighboring lymph nodes.

The oat is an organ containing a developed stroma, located in its centers large oblong epithelial cells in several rows or columns of various sizes varying from 5 - 6 mm to 30 - 40 mm. The clear boundary with almost no capsule -is visible. If surgical treatment of a tumor has not been performed and the patient has died, then with an autopsy histological examination a lymphoglandulomatosis can be seen in order to assess prognosis. The histogenesis of tumor tissue cells is the same as in other parts of the body (proliferation).

This gives the possibility of chemotherapy with powerful drugs to inhibit the development of the disease, which will not be possible if oat cancer had grown out of the outside of the structure.

For an adenoma to be checked, the doctor conducts a systematic examination with physical examination and ultrasound, studies, puncture biopsy or operation. For oatomas, high and local primary risk factors are low doses radiation.