Tumors and acne

We say: every tumor and pimple is either hot or not hot, and a hot tumor comes either from the blood or what goes through it, or from yellow bile or what goes through it. A tumor from blood comes either from praiseworthy blood or from bad blood, and praiseworthy blood is either thick or thin. A tumor formed from praiseworthy thick blood is a phlegmon, which captures both meat and skin and is accompanied by beating, and from liquid blood a phlegmon is formed that captures one skin; it is called ash-shara and is not accompanied by beating. If the blood is thick and bad, then various types of bad abscesses form from it, and if its malignancy and burnout intensify, then erysipelas appears, which gives burnout and scabs. Even worse than this is Persian fire.

And from liquid bad blood, phlegmon is formed, turning into erysipelas, and at the same time bad and malignant; if the blood is more liquid, then phlegmonous erysipelas occurs, and with more malignant blood, erysipelas with blisters and blisters occurs, accompanied by burnout of the blood and the formation of scabs.

As for the yellow gall tumor, it comes from very rarefied bile, which is not locked inside, under the surface of the skin; such bile is very caustic and it causes herpes, either only creeping - it is more rarefied, or creeping and corrosive - it is more malignant. Or the yellow gall tumor comes from bile that is thicker and less hot, which is locked deeper under the skin than the first, and has an admixture of mucus; millet-like herpes arises from it, and it burns less and resolves more slowly. If the matter is even more dense and malignant, then corrosive herpes occurs. If the matter reaches the composition of blood in terms of thickness and is at the same time malignant, then it causes malignant erysipelas. In all such tumors the matter is malignant and rarefied, although it subsequently changes; due to its rarefaction, nature drives it away, and it does not linger anywhere except the skin and places close to the skin.

If the matter of a hot tumor is abundant and the tumor is large, then it belongs to the number of fatal bubonic tumors. A tumor called tarakia is also one of the mentioned tumors. These malignant varieties and others like them are often found in pestilence years.

If a malignant tumor from among the hot ones does not reach the point of subsidence, followed by softening and shrinking, and does not accumulate pus, but leads to rotting, then this does not always depend on the large size of the tumor and the abundance of matter and sometimes occurs from the malignancy of the matter. Know also that tumors are rarely simple and pure; in most cases they are complex.

Know that with any tumor on the surface of the skin there is no beating and it does not fester; As for deep-lying tumors, we have already talked about them.