Health authorities

Health authorities are an integral part of Soviet government, and their role in health care management is very important. In the USSR, the central health authorities were ministries of health, and local authorities were health departments. In rural areas, instead of local health authorities, central district hospitals performed the function.

Health authorities were responsible for providing the population with quality medical care and monitoring compliance with medical standards. They also developed and implemented programs for disease prevention, health promotion and the control of non-communicable diseases.

During Soviet times, health authorities played an important role in the development of health care and improving the standard of living of the population. However, after the collapse of the USSR and the transition to a market economy, the functions of health authorities changed. They became more independent from the state and began to operate in accordance with market principles.

Today, health authorities are independent institutions that provide medical services to the population. They are engaged in the development and implementation of new technologies and treatment methods, as well as in improving the qualifications of medical workers.

Thus, health authorities play an important role in ensuring public health and developing healthcare in our country.

Health authorities are one of the most important structures in the state mechanism, which monitors and manages the activities of medical institutions and organizations. They are part of the Soviet polity and directly manage healthcare in the country.

The central health authorities are the ministries of health of the RSFSR (until 1991 - the ministries of health of the USSR), union and republican republics. Local authorities are departments or health departments of the executive branch at various levels, such as regional, regional, district, city and district Councils of People's Deputies. In rural areas, some health care tasks are served by central district hospitals.

The role of health authorities is to ensure state protection of public health, coordinate the work of clinics, hospitals, diagnostic centers and other medical institutions, develop health care infrastructure and educate medical personnel. They also monitor compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and regulations, control the quality of medical services and medicines, and exercise control over economic health issues.

In addition, health authorities develop programs to strengthen and preserve the health of the population, organize preventive measures, including vaccination and medical supervision, and also carry out regular statistical research and analysis of medical indicators.

However, as practice shows, public health is under the jurisdiction of various departments, which leads to the fact that solving problems remains difficult. This puts pressure on healthcare workers who are forced to work under resource and time constraints. New health technologies also require highly skilled and experienced personnel, but there are often insufficient resources and funding to provide these conditions.

Of course, the problems of healthcare authorities in Russia can also be attributed to various forms of manifestation of a systemic crisis and, in particular, to a set of problems in the activities of the government of the Russian Federation in general and healthcare management. In this regard, it is necessary to move from considering this complex only as an autonomous sphere of political regulation to its establishment as an integral element of the general model of organizing power relations in modern Russia, while simultaneously expanding the possibilities of supporting the development of the entire system.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation,” bodies exercising control in the field of healthcare are obliged to ensure the implementation of citizens’ rights to health protection and medical care, to protect their life and health by development and implementation of a set of measures. In addition, they must respect medical confidentiality and the principle of priority of the patient’s interests when providing medical care.