
Osteoarthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis is a common chronic joint disease that affects about 10-16% of the world's population. Women aged 45-55 years are the main patients with this disease. Osteoarthritis causes the gradual destruction of articular cartilage, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the cartilage and impaired joint function.

The causes of osteoarthritis can be various, including metabolic and hormonal disorders, deterioration of blood supply to the joint, hereditary predisposition to cartilage diseases, old age, trauma, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. But the most common cause is a mismatch between the load on the joints and their ability to resist it. Being overweight, standing, poor posture, and playing sports (jumping, running, or lifting weights) may be risk factors.

Osteoarthritis can affect a variety of joints, but most commonly the hips and knees. In this case, the onset of the disease is manifested by creaking of the joint during sudden movements and the appearance of unpleasant sensations when bending. If the disease is not treated, over the years pain occurs when moving, which comes from the upper part of the thigh and radiates to the knee with arthrosis of the hip joint, and with arthrosis of the knee it is painful to go down the stairs and it is difficult to raise and lower the arm if the shoulder joint is affected.

To diagnose osteoarthritis, the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes additional tests, such as a clinical blood test, ultrasound and x-ray of the joints, magnetic resonance imaging, joint fluid examination and arthroscopy.

Treatment of osteoarthritis includes limiting the mechanical load on the affected joint and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors. Often these drugs are injected directly into the diseased joint. Physiotherapeutic techniques can also help relieve pain, including ultraviolet light, electric currents, alternating magnetic fields, electrophoresis, and phonophoresis of joint medications. To strengthen muscles, the use of electrical myostimulation is recommended, and therapeutic exercises can help maintain joint mobility.

In general, osteoarthritis is a serious disease that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. In addition, it is important to monitor your health to prevent the development of osteoarthritis. To do this, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right, control your weight, avoid traumatic stress on the joints, choose the right shoes and furniture, and regularly engage in physical exercises that will help strengthen muscles and maintain healthy joints. If you suspect osteoarthritis or suffer from joint pain, be sure to consult a doctor for advice and diagnosis.

Osteoarthrosis is a heterogeneous group of diseases of various etiologies with similar biological, morphological, clinical manifestations and outcome, which are based on damage to all components of the joint: cartilage, subchondral bone, menisci, ligaments, capsular-ligamentous apparatus, synovium.