Got food poisoning at the holiday table? Sorbents will come to the rescue

New Year's holidays are just around the corner. Some will spend them skiing or, conversely, basking in the hot tropical sun. Others prefer a home-based celebration, always at a generous table. But in both cases, you may face such a nuisance as food poisoning - this is not uncommon during holiday feasts. In a situation where you “ate something wrong” or “in the wrong place,” the first question arises: how can you quickly remove this “wrong thing” from the body so as not to spoil the holidays for yourself or your loved ones. And then sorbents come to the rescue.

How do sorbents work?

The name "sorbents" comes from the Latin "sorbens", which means absorbing. They absorb various harmful substances and gases. If we are talking about poisoning, the mission of the sorbent is to collect toxins and their breakdown products, and then remove them from the body naturally. All sorbents have the same task - to help our body cleanse itself. But, as a recent study showed: sorbent is different from sorbent.

Not all sorbents are equally effective

Research Center for Independent Consumer Expertise "TEST" conducted a study of the 6 most popular enterosorbents purchased in pharmacies in Kyiv. First of all, scientists studied their specific surface area. We are not talking about the size of the tablet, but about the area that “captures” harmful substances. The bigger it is, the better. “Sorbents based on activated carbon have the most developed active surface,” says Valentin Bezrukiy, director of the Scientific Research Center NP TEST. - In our test, the largest specific surface area was found in “Sorbex” - granular activated carbon in capsules (1830 m2/g), the smallest in “White Coal” (12.3 m2/g). This result of Sorbex is associated with the special structure of its granules - they look like a sponge with many pores. Harmful substances fall into them, like traps. By the way, “White Coal” is coal only in name, which in our opinion is somewhat incorrect. Its composition is silicon dioxide – close to quartz sand.” In addition, as studies have shown, carbon sorbents, which include Sorbex, are capable of absorbing molecules of different sizes, which is important in the case when a person does not know what exactly he was poisoned with.

Excellent sorbents

Summing up the testing results, Bezrukiy noted: “We considered it possible to distribute the ratings on our five-point scale in this way: “Sorbex” and “Enterosgel” received “excellent” ratings, “White Coal” received “satisfactory” ratings.

The right sorbent will help you cope with poisoning faster. This means that you will not miss a single joyful moment of the New Year holidays! But do not forget that in case of acute illness, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.