Monitor lead

Lead ECG is a method of recording the electrical potentials of the heart, which is used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. It is based on measuring the electrical potential difference between different points on the surface of the body.

The ECG lead can be performed in a variety of modes, including standard and modified leads. The standard leads are leads I, II and III, which record the potential difference between the right and left arms, the right arm and left leg, and the left arm and left leg. Modified leads are used for a more detailed analysis of the electrical activity of the heart.

One type of modified lead is a monitor lead, which is used for long-term monitoring of heart function. In this case, the electrode is placed on a low-moving area of ​​the chest, such as the collarbone or sternum. The monitor lead allows the electrical activity of the heart to be recorded over a long period of time without the need to re-place electrodes.

The monitor lead is used to monitor cardiac function in patients with cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart failure and arrhythmias. It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and predict the development of complications.

In conclusion, the monitor lead is an important method for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases and monitoring heart function. It records the electrical activity of the heart over a long period of time and provides important information about the condition of the heart and its function.

According to the medical encyclopedia, a method of active stress monitoring with ECG registration at the border of individual phases of the breathing cycle, performed remotely - a system for wireless transmission of medical data received during testing using compact wireless wearable chest heart rate monitors with ECG or accelerogram recording. Load test results are displayed in real time or later, for analysis and recording by the user of any of the data output devices. In digital ECG monitoring, indications for the study are prescribed only by doctors, who subsequently process data on the patient’s condition.