
Papillitis is a rare and little-known inflammation of the papillae (papillary inflammation), on the surface of which taste buds are located, taking part in determining taste. Papillitis (inflammation of the papilla or papillomatosis) is a specific inflammation of the papilla of the tongue, which is characterized by its death and scar formation. It most often occurs in children, but can occur in any person, more often even in old age.

Visually, papilloma looks like a white growth around the tongue. The apex against the background of healthy tissue can have either a rough surface or a smooth one. To the touch, the formation is slightly soft and slightly rises above the surface of the mucous membrane, slightly protruding above it. In young children, in exceptional cases, the nerve endings of the papilloma become pinched, which leads to the development of a serious complication - paresis, impaired sensitivity of the tongue. The inflammatory process can make itself felt by discomfort in the oral cavity and pain when swallowing. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can lead to more serious consequences, such as abscess, cellulitis, necrosis of the papilla or tongue, and even blood poisoning. Inflammation of the papillary apparatus of the tongue in adults can be practically asymptomatic. Only minor discomfort may occur when touching or drying the tongue.