Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. What they look like
  2. Causes of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy
  3. Diagnostic features
  4. Treatment of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy
    1. Medicines
    2. Physical removal
    3. ethnoscience

Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy are a specific manifestation of HPV activity in the body of the expectant mother. As a rule, such neoplasms rarely cause physical discomfort, but they can cause psychological inconvenience. When they grow inside the breast ducts, the problem may require urgent surgical treatment.

What do papillomas on the nipples look like during pregnancy?

Papillomas on the nipples of expectant mothers are a type of benign neoplasm caused by the activity of the papillomavirus. The tumor is small in size with uneven edges and surface, and has a thin stalk. Color can range from flesh to dark brown. These small tumors can be localized both on the nipple itself and on the halo.

In most cases, papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy are painless and do not cause any discomfort. However, they can cause inconvenience if a woman wears tight or uncomfortable underwear, which rubs against the skin, irritates the nipple area and tumors. In this case, unpleasant phenomena such as itching, burning, inflammation of the epidermis, growth of growth, and damage to nearby areas occur.

Important! Sometimes, due to mechanical effects, papillomas on the nipples of pregnant women can become damaged, bleed, or become infected. Such pathological changes require urgent medical consultation and appropriate therapy.

Of particular danger are papillomas that form on the ducts of the mammary gland, the so-called internal neoplasms. These growths can cause much more discomfort to a woman than external papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy.

Manifestations of this pathology are:

  1. Itching, burning sensation, pain in the nipple area and halos;
  2. The appearance of nonspecific discharge of a transparent or reddish color (not milk or colostrum, which are released in later stages);
  3. When palpating, you can feel painful tubercles.

All these symptoms require mandatory consultation with a doctor, since such tumors are prone to malignancy and can also become an obstacle to breastfeeding.

Note! Most often, papillomas appear during pregnancy on the halo, near the large ducts and in the center of the nipple.

For a long time, a woman can be a carrier of HPV and not even suspect it, since many strains do not manifest themselves until a certain “favorable” time for them. It is worth noting that the incubation period for the manifestation of papillomavirus activity ranges from 7 days to several years.

In most cases, papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy do not pose a threat to the life and health of the mother and embryo. There is no precise proven data that this pathogen can be transmitted from mother to child transplacentally. And during delivery, transmission of the virus can only occur if the neoplasms are located in the birth canal.

Causes of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

According to the latest research by WHO scientists, approximately 60% of people on Earth are infected with various types of human papillomavirus. These people are its carriers, although they themselves may not be sick and may not know about the presence of HPV in their blood.

Note! The pathogen can enter the body during sexual intercourse without contraception (condom), when kissing, or when using other people's hygiene items.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from HPV manifestations. Pregnancy may well be the activator of the virus, since at this stage of life the body undergoes many changes.

Let's consider the main factors that favorably influence the process of HPV activation and the occurrence of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal explosion. The hormonal background of a pregnant woman changes dramatically. Such changes can bring the pathogen out of hibernation.
  2. General decrease in immune response. The expectant mother's level of immune defense drops somewhat so that the body cannot reject the embryo as a foreign entity.
  3. Nipple injury. During pregnancy, nipples and breasts increase in size, regular bras become tight and can rub the skin. Papillomas often form in these places.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Excessive sweating and humid environments are great places for bacteria to grow. The latter often help the virus become more active, which leads to the appearance of papillomas on the nipples of pregnant women.
  5. Stress, chronic physical and psychological fatigue. Pregnancy often causes changes in the psychological state of the expectant mother. Nervous shocks and instability can become catalysts for papillomavirus.
  6. Lack of proper nutrition and diet. During pregnancy, a woman's need for food and nutrients increases. If the body does not receive enough of them, then papillomas may appear against the background of exhaustion.

Only after the causes of papillomas on the nipple circumference during pregnancy have been identified and unfavorable factors have been eliminated, will the doctor decide on the need for further diagnosis and treatment.

Features of diagnosing papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

The appearance of papillomas on the nipples during gestation requires special attention from various specialists - a dermatologist, oncologist, and mammologist. Any pathological conditions of a pregnant woman require medical consultation and diagnosis.

If the neoplasms are external, then they are easily amenable to visual inspection. It will help to establish the exact reason for their formation HPV blood test. As a rule, all pregnant women undergo such tests. Also, during the blood test, the strain of the pathogen and the degree of its oncogenicity will be determined.

Sometimes, for papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy, it is necessary to biopsy. This is an extreme measure, since manipulation is traumatic and can carry risks for the woman. It is prescribed in the presence of serious damage to papillomas, their bleeding, proliferation, and with obvious signs of malignancy.

Intraductal papillomas are considered more dangerous. It is almost impossible to identify them during a superficial examination. Therefore, a more in-depth study is required:

  1. Ultrasound. Allows you to determine the location of the tumor and its size as accurately as possible.
  2. Mammography. It is a scan of the mammary glands with an X-ray machine.
  3. Ductography. Otherwise called “galactography”. A method of targeted analysis of papilloma, which makes it possible to obtain maximum data about the location and contours of the growth.
  4. Skin scraping. This test is used to detect abnormal cells.
  5. Examination of breast discharge under a microscope. The method helps to assess the level of epithelial damage in the ducts.

A complete diagnosis of the disease allows you to prescribe treatment as accurately as possible.

Methods for treating nipple papillomas during pregnancy

Often, papillomas on the nipples go away spontaneously after childbirth, leaving no traces. However, in some cases this does not happen. Then you may need treatment. Papillomas on the nipples in pregnant women, as a rule, are not treated. But if they are regularly injured or are located inside the breast ducts, that is, they pose a real threat to the expectant mother, then the doctor can prescribe gentle therapy.

Medications for papillomas on halos and nipples

Drug therapy for papillomatosis, including on the nipples of pregnant women, involves the use of external pharmaceuticals and restorative drugs. Such medications are not able to completely eliminate the causative agent of the disease. But they can eliminate the manifestations of HPV and significantly reduce the risk of relapse in the future.

Drug therapy against papillomas on the halo during pregnancy is the optimal solution, since such medical procedures are painless and do not cause stress for the expectant mother.

However, pay attention to possible toxicity for the child if the wrong remedy is prescribed. Also, with local treatment, it is necessary to treat papillomas for a long time until they are completely eliminated.

Among the safe topical preparations are: Feresol, Solcoderm, as well as their analogues Podophyllin and Condilin (read reviews of Condilin for condylomas).

As for immunomodulators, the doctor can prescribe Reaferon, Kipferon, as well as analogues - Viferon, Human Interferon - to the pregnant woman.

Viral suppressive agents for the treatment of papillomas on the halo and nipples during pregnancy are Panavir, Cidofovir. Analogues are Alpizarin, Ganciclovir.

Physical removal of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

Currently, methods of destruction and removal of papillomas are considered the most modern, fast and effective. However, they require the use of local anesthesia and can be painful and stressful for expectant mothers. Therefore, such treatment is prescribed after weighing all the pros and cons.

The main methods for removing papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy are:

  1. Surgical excision. It is used less and less, as it has a number of disadvantages. This is a traumatic method and can provoke the formation of scars. High risk of relapse. The cost of surgical removal of papillomas is from 1000 rubles in Russia and from 300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Radiosurgery. A radio knife is used, which affects the tumor with special radio waves. The removal process is painless, non-traumatic, relapses are excluded. The price of radiosurgical removal of papillomas on the nipples in pregnant women is 1500-2300 rubles in Russia and 500-800 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Laser destruction. Prescribed, as a rule, for the growth of papillomas, when it is necessary to remove a group of growths. The laser does not affect healthy skin around the tumor and does not cause bleeding or scar formation. The cost of laser destruction of papillomas is 1000-1500 rubles in Russia and 400-600 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Sometimes the doctor decides to remove papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy using the method chemical destruction. In this case, various acids are used. Most often, trichloroacetic or dichloroacetic. This method is not suitable for eliminating internal papillomas and external accumulations. The price of chemical destruction is 1000-2000 rubles in Russia and 350-600 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

Treating papillomas with folk recipes should be done with extreme caution. Especially when it comes to treating a pregnant woman. Consultation with a doctor is required!

The skin in the breast and nipple area is very delicate and thin, so many methods that can be used on other parts of the body are not applicable to the bust area.

At home, for papillomas on the nipples in pregnant women, you can try the following recipes:

  1. Kalanchoe compresses. You should cut a leaf of the plant and apply it to the affected area, securing it with a bandage. Remove after a couple of hours. Repeat the procedure daily until the growths decrease.
  2. Garlic compress. The clove should be crushed and the pulp should be applied to the neoplasm for 0.5-1 hour every day.
  3. Potato compress. Grind raw potatoes on a grater and apply the paste to your breasts overnight.
Important! You should not use aggressive substances, for example, celandine, if papillomas on the halos appeared during pregnancy.

To strengthen the immune system, you should take herbal decoctions, eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grain bread.

How to get rid of papillomas on the nipples of a pregnant woman - watch the video:


Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy often appear in women who are carriers of HPV. Pregnancy is a catalyst for the development of the virus and its activation. You should not panic, as these growths, as a rule, do not pose a threat to the fetus or mother. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe gentle treatment for papillomatosis.