Partner Birth. How It Happens

Partner birth: how it happens

Childbirth is one of the most important and responsible events in the life of every woman. Having a baby is a truly unique experience that can be made even more meaningful by the support of your partner during birth. In this article we will look at how the joint participation of a partner can positively affect the process of childbirth and what opportunities are provided for this in maternity hospitals.

First stage of labor

The first stage of labor is the process of opening the cervix and preparing for the birth of the baby. During this period, the partner can provide support to the woman in labor, helping her find comfortable positions during contractions, provide massage and other techniques aimed at reducing pain and relaxation.

It is advisable to discuss with your doctor in advance the possibility of choosing a vertical position during contractions. The vertical position will help speed up the course of labor, as it promotes rapid dilatation of the cervix and reduction of the fetus. However, if a woman in labor prefers to lie on her side or back, then this may also be a comfortable position for her.

During the first stage of labor, the partner can also maintain contact between the health care team and the laboring woman, act as her mediator, and ask the doctor or midwife to explain procedures and the use of medications.

Second stage of labor

In the second stage of labor, the process of giving birth begins. The partner can help the woman in labor control her efforts during pushing and breathing, follow the doctor’s recommendations, encourage and help her rest between pushes, support her back during pushes, and hold her hand if she wants.

After the baby is born, the partner can hold it in his arms and hand it to the mother. The mother can begin breastfeeding right after birth, which contributes to better contractions of the uterus, the establishment of lactation and the best adaptation of the newborn.

Third stage of labor

The third stage of labor begins after the baby is born and ends with the birth of the placenta (placenta and membranes). Your partner can take a photo or video of the newborn.

It is important to understand that every woman and every birth is unique and may have its own characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss in advance with your doctor and partner all possible options for behavior during childbirth and choose the most appropriate one for each specific situation.

In conclusion, partner birth is an excellent opportunity for fathers-to-be to be involved in the birth of their child and provide support to their partner. Supporting your partner during labor can help reduce pain, improve a woman's mood, and speed up the labor process. It is important to discuss all possible behavior options during childbirth with your doctor in advance and choose the one that suits you. Do not forget that every woman and every birth is unique, and it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each situation.