Pasteurization Vacuum

Vacuum pasteurization: An effective method of milk disinfection

Pasteurization is one of the most common methods of milk disinfection. This process involves heating milk to a certain temperature, which kills most bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause disease. However, there is another pasteurization method called vacuum pasteurization.

The vacuum pasteurization method involves introducing milk under high pressure into a heated vacuum chamber. In this chamber, the pressure decreases, which leads to a sharp drop in the temperature at which pasteurization occurs. As a result of this process, milk becomes free from most pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances.

One of the main advantages of vacuum pasteurization is that it preserves much of the milk's nutrients, which can be destroyed by the higher temperatures used in other pasteurization methods. In addition, vacuum pasteurization can increase the shelf life of milk, allowing it to be used longer without the risk of disease.

However, vacuum pasteurization also has its disadvantages. First, this technology requires more complex equipment than other pasteurization methods, which can make it more expensive. Additionally, vacuum pasteurization may be less effective if the milk contains a high concentration of bacteria or other microorganisms.

In conclusion, vacuum pasteurization is an effective method of disinfecting milk, which preserves most of the nutrients and increases its shelf life. However, before using this method, you should carefully study its advantages and disadvantages in order to make an informed decision about its use.

Vacuum pasteurization is a modern technological method that allows you to increase the shelf life of dairy products and improve their quality. In the article we will look at how the vacuum pasteurization process occurs, what advantages and disadvantages this method has, as well as what features you should pay attention to when using this technology.

Pasteurization is a process that is carried out based on chemical and microbiological methods. It involves treating milk with various reagents, thanks to which microorganisms, bacteria and viruses contained in it are destroyed. By using vacuum sealing, you get milk with increased fat content, since this method allows you to reduce the amount of fat during processing.

The vacuum method is used when preparing dairy products from farms or their mixture with skim milk. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of milk for a longer period: milk protein, lipids, vitamin complex and minerals. This milk has a lower viscosity because it is enhanced by the fat content. This method is also used to produce soft cheeses.

In addition to all of the above, vacuum pasteurization of milk plays an important role in the process of obtaining high-quality chocolate. During the production of chocolate, a milk-vegetable mixture is used, which is carefully filtered and vacuum-treated at a temperature of 58-75 degrees Celsius. This method removes acidic impurities and foreign matter from the milk drink. At the end of this process, the milk mixture settles again and undergoes heat treatment. Then this milk drink is filtered and filtered using separators. Then they start adding ingredients that match the desired taste or color of the final product.

Vacuum processing of dairy products is a reliable method of destroying microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. The shelf life of such products increases to several months, which is very important.