
Pathogenesis is the process of disease development, which begins with the impact of etiological factors on the body and ends with the formation of a pathological condition. This process includes many steps, which can be divided into several levels:

  1. The etiological level is the first stage of pathogenesis, at which the effect of the etiological factor on the body occurs. These factors can be different, for example, viral infection, bacterial infection, chemicals, radiation, etc.

  2. Destructive level - at this stage, damage to tissues and organs occurs, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders, metabolic disorders and other pathological changes.

  3. Reparative level - this stage includes the processes of restoration of tissues and organs after damage. If these processes do not occur properly, complications and progression of the disease can occur.

  4. Clinical level - at this level, symptoms of the disease appear, such as pain, fever, loss of appetite, weakness and others. Symptoms can vary and depend on the specific disease.

  5. Immunological level – at this level the body’s immune system is activated to fight the pathogen. This can lead to increased levels of antibodies in the blood and an increase in the number of white blood cells and other immune cells.

  6. Biochemical level - at this level, changes occur in the biochemical parameters of the blood, such as the level of glucose, cholesterol, protein and others. These changes may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body.

  7. Molecular level - at this level, molecular changes occur in the cells of the body, which lead to disruption of their functions. These changes include changes in the structure of DNA, RNA, proteins and other molecules.

In general, pathogenesis is a complex process that includes many factors and stages. The study of pathogenesis helps to understand the causes of the disease and develop effective methods of treatment and prevention.

Pathogenesis is a description and explanation of the processes that occur in the body during the development of diseases. This is a key point that allows us to find out what mechanisms lead to the development of diseases and what causes them. Without understanding the pathogenesis it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis

Pathogenesis is a process that occurs in the body under the influence of external factors and leads to the occurrence of a certain disease. Having undergone pathogenesis, the cell suffers from structural damage and various disorders. For disorders to occur, it is necessary to overcome a barrier, the so-called “dam” or “immunopoietic barrier.” So