Bath Foam Fa

Dear readers, today I want to tell you about a product that will help you have a pleasant time in the bath and improve your mood - Fa foam bath. In this article we will look at the features of this foam, its manufacturer and analogues.


Foam Fa is a product from the German company Henkel, a manufacturer of high-quality and safe skin care products, and has established itself as an ideal assistant for caring for children's skin. Fa has foaming and moisturizing properties and gently cleanses the skin of impurities. It is also suitable for all skin types and can be used by people of any age.

The foam contains natural ingredients that gently care for your skin:

* lavender has a calming effect and adds aroma; * chamomile oil promotes gentle cleansing of the skin; * the sequence leads to restoration and moisturizing of the skin. Features include the absence of harmful chemicals, which has a beneficial effect on the sensitive skin of babies and prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.