
**Agaricaceae** (lat. Agaricales) - orders of agaric fungi, distinguished on the basis of some common characteristics of their asci. In total, about one hundred genera and more than 300 species of edible and inedible mushrooms are registered.

Agaric mushrooms are one of the most famous and widespread in the world. They can be found in almost any country in the world, including Russia and the CIS. It is believed that many types of agaric mushrooms were known in ancient times, as they were used to prepare various dishes and drinks. For example, fly agaric mushrooms were found in ancient ruins and are among the first mushrooms found in history.

One of the most popular and well-studied species is the porcini mushroom, which is a delicacy in many countries around the world. However, it should be noted that not all types of agaric mushroom are edible, so before preparing any dishes using agaric mushrooms, you need to make sure that they are suitable for consumption.

In addition to the edible varieties of agaricaceae, there are also many inedible species, such as toadstools, which can be very dangerous to humans. Therefore, when picking mushrooms you should be careful and not risk your health and life.

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