Denial Floss

Interdental floss, also known as dental floss or dental floss, is one of the important oral hygiene tools. This is a thin floss, usually made of nylon or polyester, that is used to remove food debris and plaque from between teeth where a regular toothbrush cannot reach.

Flossing between teeth is an important component of maintaining oral health and preventing the development of plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease. Flossing daily helps remove bacteria and food debris that can accumulate between teeth and lead to bad breath.

Interdental floss usually has a thin structure, which allows it to easily penetrate the narrow spaces between teeth. It may be coated with a special wax or have a texture that helps it remove plaque more effectively and gently massage the gums. The thread can be presented in the form of pieces or on a spool, which ensures ease of use.

To use floss to clean between your teeth, follow a few simple steps. First you need to cut about 45 centimeters of thread, wrap it around the fingers of your index hands and leave a small section between them. Then carefully guide the floss between your teeth, holding it with your fingers to form a “C” shape. Using smooth movements, the floss should be moved up and down and around each tooth, reaching the interdental spaces and the space under the gum.

However, you should be careful when using floss to clean between your teeth. Too much pressure should be avoided to avoid damaging the gums or causing bleeding. If the floss is difficult to get between your teeth or is causing discomfort, you may need to try another method of cleaning between your teeth, such as a toothpick or interdental brushes.

Currently, there are various types of interdental cleaning floss on the market with different features and tastes. Some threads have added fragrances or coatings to enhance the feeling of freshness after use. When choosing an interdental floss, it is recommended that you consult your dentist or hygienist for recommendations based on your individual needs.

In conclusion, interdental floss, also known as dental floss or dental floss, is an essential tool for maintaining oral health. This is a thin thread, usually made of nylon or polyester, that effectively removes plaque and food debris from the narrow spaces between teeth. Regular flossing helps prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

Interdental floss is a small fibrous thread designed to clean between the tooth and gum, helping to remove stuck food and bacteria. Although many toothpastes and brushes promote cleaning, they may not completely remove all stains. This thin thread will not only help maintain oral health, but is also essential for proper dental care.

Floss for cleaning interdental spaces can be purchased at any pharmacy. Available in many lengths and thicknesses. You need to choose threads individually; if you need to additionally clean the area around your teeth, then you should choose a thin and long thread accordingly.

The process of using such a thread is very simple: wind it along the gum edge, then pass it along the outer part of the tooth, using a rocking motion, so you can remove the stuck plaque. After brushing, rinse your mouth with floss under water and rinse very well. A few more features of this brush: when brushing, you should not bite into the gum too much. That is, it should hang as soon as you pull the thread and it begins to move across the sky, at which point you can scroll in your mouth. When clearing the thread, you need to use smooth movements. If you start moving your finger, the threads surprisingly remain in the tooth.