
Peniaphobia is the fear of poverty.

Peniaphobes may have exaggerated ideas about poverty, that is, the fear of poverty may be excessive. According to other sources, such people develop real fears, because low-income segments of the population are characterized by pronounced sensitivity, negative experiences, anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, severe vulnerability, low social status, and socio-economic isolation. People with peniaphobia have high levels of anxiety and suspicion, and often experience feelings of despair. Excessive worry and fear of poverty can lead to health problems such as stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety, high heart rate and other symptoms. Typically, people with peniaphobia try to hide their true identity, they hide their emotions and may live in isolation. Because of the strong

Peniaphobia is a pathological fear of poverty. It occurs in people prone to increased anxiety, often in the absence of the ability to control their financial situation. Such people usually exhibit a high level of pessimism about their future and do not believe in their ability to achieve material well-being.

The fear of poverty can be very tangible and lead to a deterioration in the quality of life. Peniaphobe considers all the efforts he has expended to earn money to be futile. He is not afraid of worsening economic conditions or even losing his job, since he considers himself doomed to poverty. Such signs can be considered basic for peniaphobes.