
Peonia is obtained from the above-ground part of the peony bush.

Peonies are very hardy plants that can survive even in quite extreme conditions, for example, in Siberia, their roots lie at a depth of up to 5 meters. These plants usually bloom in spring - in mid-May-early June. The aroma of modern varieties is pleasant. They are used to create bouquets, and for this purpose they are grown not only in gardens, but also in greenhouses.

From this it is clear that the plant is actively used by representatives of economic activity to collect medicinal raw materials. But first, let’s remember the composition and consider it in more detail:

Peonia contains the following components beneficial to the body: vitamins C, A, B, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. B vitamins are considered the most useful substances. They strengthen the nervous system, promote brain function, and relieve anxiety. They are also involved in the processes of fat synthesis, hemoglobin formation, transformation of carbohydrates and some amino acids. Fresh fruits and a variety of fruits, nuts, and liver help replenish their reserves in the body. It is worth noting that during colds and fever, the body loses vitamin C with raspberries and gooseberries in a short time. Therefore, to maintain health, we must consume peons (fruits) so that the body’s defenses can cope with all of the above effects. It is a natural anesthetic that helps reduce or eliminate a person's