Pepper will heal hair, nails and stomach

Pepper is a versatile product that can help not only in cooking, but also in solving many health problems. One of these important properties of pepper is its ability to help solve problems with hair, nails and stomach. In this article, we will look at how using pepper can help strengthen hair and nails, as well as treat stomach problems.

To begin with, it is worth noting that pepper is a rich source of silicon, a trace element necessary for normal hair and nail growth. Silicon improves the structure and quality of hair and nails, making them stronger, more elastic and healthy. From green peppers you can get a sufficiently large amount of silicon to maintain healthy hair and nails.

In addition, pepper can help improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tear ducts. This is especially important for those who suffer from excess oily hair or dry eye problems. Regular consumption of pepper can help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes and reduce the appearance of oily hair.

Pepper juice can also be used to clear skin blemishes when combined with carrot juice. This recipe gives excellent results in treating various skin problems including blemishes and pimples. To do this, mix pepper juice and carrot juice in equal proportions and apply to the skin for a few minutes. After this, rinse the mixture with water and apply a moisturizer.

If you often have stomach problems, then pepper juice can be a good remedy. Half a liter of pepper juice combined with the same amount of carrot-spinach juice per day will help get rid of flatulence, colic and stomach cramps. It is recommended to drink juices on an empty stomach at intervals of 2-3 hours. For other medicinal purposes, pepper juice is taken 0.5 - 1 glass 4 times a day 45 minutes before meals.

In conclusion, pepper is a food that can help solve a variety of health problems, including hair, nails and stomach problems. Using pepper in combination with other foods can give very good results and improve overall health. However, before using pepper to treat any disease, you should consult your doctor.