Effective Diets

Popular diets: Kremlin diet, Japanese diet, Blood type diet, Buckwheat diet, Kefir diet, Kim Protasov diet, Larisa Dolina diet, Atkins diet, Rice diet

Diets for weight loss:

ABC diet, Apricot diet, Sergei Agapkin diet, Actor's diet, Alcohol diet, American diet, Pineapple diet, Angel diet, English diet, Anorexic nymph diet, Anti-cellulite diet, Orange diet, Watermelon diet, Astrological diet, Atkins diet, Atomic diet and others.

Popular diets include: vegetarian, Mediterranean, Dukan, Kremlin, and blood type.

To achieve lasting results, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is recommended to consult a specialist before starting any diet.