Period Initial (Prime)

Prime Period - (in chemotherapy) the administration of small doses of cyclophosphamide before the use of large doses of any other drug and/or radiation therapy. This causes proliferation of hematopoietic cells in the red bone marrow, which promotes its subsequent regeneration.

The Initial or Prime period (from the English “Prime” - initial) is an important stage in chemotherapy. It consists of prescribing small doses of cyclophosphamide, before using large doses of another drug or radiation therapy, which causes the proliferation of hematopoietic cells and promotes the regeneration of red bone marrow.

This is an important stage, as it allows you to prepare the body for subsequent procedures and reduce the risk of side effects. In addition, the use of low doses of cyclophosphamide may reduce the toxicity of other drugs and increase their effectiveness.

The Initial period is usually performed before the start of treatment for cancer or other diseases that require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Its duration and dosage of cyclophosphamide depend on the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of disease.

In general, the Initial period is an important stage of chemotherapy, which allows the patient’s body to be prepared for subsequent procedures, reduce the risk of side effects and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

In modern medicine, one of the most effective and common methods of treating malignant tumors is chemotherapy. However, despite the success and results obtained from this type of therapy, it may have side effects, such as decreased immunity and other unwanted reactions. One way to minimize side effects is to use primer approaches. One such approach is the “prime period,” which is the administration of low doses of chemotherapy before high doses of another drug or radiation therapy to stimulate recovery processes.

In oncohematology, the use of the “initial period” became especially relevant after the discovery of a very efficient mechanism for bone marrow restoration - the initial mesenchymal-epithelial progenitor cell, which is responsible for the reproduction of stem cells, primary precursors induced by a division signal that stimulates the growth of humoral cell lines. For 30 years now, these studies have been the focus of attention and the most complete coverage, which is facilitated by the use of epithelial growth factor and the method of cell transplantation (Klimova O.V., Shumakov V.I.). It has been shown that the induction of omale cells occurs due to the induction of the stem state (Senushkin S. V., Salnikova