
Periureteritis: inflammation and its treatment

Periureteritis, or inflammation of the tissues surrounding the ureter, is a serious disease of the urinary system. It usually occurs as a result of inflammation of the ureter below the site of stone blockage or narrowing. Periureteritis is often accompanied by ureteritis, an inflammation of the ureter itself, which complicates its diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of periureteritis may include pain and discomfort in the lower back, frequent and painful urination, and signs of general inflammation such as fever and weakness. If there are complications, such as a urinary tract infection, symptoms may be more severe.

Diagnosis of periureteritis includes the patient's medical history, physical examination, urine laboratory tests, and educational methods such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan. These methods help the doctor determine the cause of inflammation and assess the extent of tissue damage.

Treatment of periureteritis is aimed at two main aspects: eliminating ureteral obstruction and fighting infection. If the inflammation is caused by a stone in the ureter or a narrowing, surgery may be required to remove it or widen the ureter. In some cases, the use of diuretics may be necessary to facilitate the passage of urine.

Antibiotics are often prescribed to fight the infection. The choice of a specific drug depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and complete the full course of antibiotics to prevent relapses and the development of drug resistance.

In addition to drug treatment, patients are advised to stay well hydrated to help reduce the concentration of urine and facilitate its passage through the ureter. It is also recommended to avoid and prevent factors that may contribute to the formation of stones in the urinary system, such as lack of fluids or certain foods.

In some cases, when periureteritis is complicated by the formation of an abscess or fibrosis of surrounding tissues, surgical intervention may be required. The decision on the need and type of surgery is made by the doctor based on the circumstances of each individual case.

In general, periureteritis is a serious inflammatory disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment. Relieving ureteral obstruction and controlling infection are the main goals of therapy. Patients are advised to follow the doctor's recommendations, take medications and monitor their drinking regime. Early consultation with a doctor and timely treatment can help prevent complications and achieve a full recovery.


Periureteritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the tissues surrounding the ureter (small kidney). It is one of the most common diseases of the urinary system and can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the severity and extent of ureteral dysfunction. In this article we