Photos of kittens and puppies increase performance

It turns out that people cope with all kinds of tasks much more efficiently and quickly if they carefully look at photographs of kittens and puppies. A new study from Hiroshima University found that viewing such images improves performance in tasks that require extra care.

The scientists divided the students into several groups. The first group was shown pictures of cute kittens and puppies, the second group was shown pictures of adult animals. Then the study participants had to solve several tasks on attention, concentration and coordination. The research results showed that the participants in the first group completed the tasks faster than their competitors.

The researchers theorized that cute pictures made people more likely to behave cautiously because animals are associated with vulnerability. The perception of something cute activates the idea of ​​something fragile and delicate. Consequently, it will be easier for people to perform more subtle and complex tasks, including those not related to fine motor skills.

In addition, cute images can act as emotional releasers, which is especially effective in specific situations, such as driving or doing office work. This means, the researchers believe, it makes sense to frame or place images of animals, such as kittens and puppies, on the desktop monitor. They will help optimize your working day and set you in a positive mood.
